Some Lesser Known And Strange Facts About Spiders

Some Lesser Known And Strange Facts About Spiders

There are two kinds of people in this world: one who admires and loves spiders and likes to think of them as pets, and the other who cannot stand the sight of one. The latter kind is more commonly found among the public. Although spiders do not cause harm or contaminate your food in the kitchen, nobody likes to have them crawling around in their house. 

If you are struggling with a spider infestation with cobwebs at every corner, you should hire a professional pest control Irvine team today. That being said, spiders are interesting creatures with a lot of surprises in store. For example, they have eight eyes! Here are some lesser-known facts about these bugs. 

Lesser known and strange facts about spiders 

  • Not all spiders create webs. 

If you thought all kinds of spiders spin their cobwebs, you might need a little revision. Spiders mainly spin webs to catch their prey and have their food. However, not all of them need to do that to get something to eat. All spiders can produce silk. Some use that silk to spin webs, while others use it to create traps in small holes or sleeping sacs. 

  • One spider species is mostly vegetarian. 

All spiders were thought to be carnivorous and captured small insects and pests to feed on them. However, recent findings show that there is a species in Central America that is mostly herbivorous. Bagheera kiplingi live in protein-rich trees and consume buds. However, they become carnivorous during the dry seasons when trees do not produce buds. They may resort to cannibalism and eat their own kind or other insects. 

  • Some male spiders want to be eaten. 

A spider species known as black widows are known to eat their mates, but this is not a common phenomenon. However, there seems to be an exception in this regard where the male spider among the red widow species practically forces the female widow to eat them by placing itself into her mandibles. Even if the female spider spits him out, he will keep going back into her mandibles until she eventually devours him. 

  • There are 25 tons of spiders on earth. 

Spiders are indeed small in size, but they are present on Earth in huge numbers. There are 47,000 species of spiders. Altogether, they eat about 800 tons of insects every year. According to a study, there are quadrillions of spiders in the world. The biggest species known to man is the Goliath Bird-Eater Spider. As their name suggests, they feed on birds. 

If you are struggling to remove spiders from your home, contact pest control today. 

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.