Stay Safe: Types of Ransomware and How to Avoid Them

Stay Safe: Types of Ransomware and How to Avoid Them

In 2017 the world lost over $4 billion to a single ransomware attack that infected over 200,000 computers worldwide.

Staying safe online is becoming more difficult with the rise in malware and phishing attacks daily. It is essential to stay well informed and vigilant when working online.

If you would like to learn more about the different types of ransomware, then keep reading. Our short guide will take you through everything you need to know about staying safe from ransomware attacks online.

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of application called malware that takes control of your computer or network. Hackers can prevent you from accessing your files and equipment and attempt to extract a ransom from the individual or company. Sometimes this ransom is to the tune of thousands of dollars.

Once the extortion is paid, the criminals can give access back to the owners, but the victim can do nothing to ensure that this is the case. Ransomware is often delivered to a machine via phishing emails or software vulnerabilities. So, it is crucial to keep yourself aware of the types of ransomware attacks that currently exist.

Types Of Ransomeware

You might encounter two popular types of ransomware if you are unlucky enough to be targeted. They are locker ransomware and crypto ransomware.

Locker ransomware is the malware that blocks a computer’s ability to function. It can deny you access to software and peripherals like your mouse and keyboard. A window will often be visible on the screen, which you can interact with to make payment to unlock the device.

This is one of the most common types of ransomware, but luckily it doesn’t usually target critical files on your system. Locker ransomware is about the inconvenience and rarely about the complete destruction of your data.

The second type of common ransomware is crypto ransomware. This malware does target data and seeks to encrypt your key files, such as documents and videos. It prevents you from accessing these files, and hackers will permanently destroy them if you do not comply with their demands.

Regular backing up of critical files and photos is an excellent way to minimize the risk presented by this type of ransomware attack. However, many individuals do not back up their files regularly and have to pay the ransom.

Famous Ransomware Attacks

Over the decades, there have been some ransomware attacks that have infamously caused billions in dollars in damages.

Bad Rabbit was an infamous ransomware attack in 2017 and used insecure websites to make attacks on unsuspecting visitors. The malware was disguised as a fake Adobe Flash program and infected the user’s computer on installation.

In the same year, WannaCry was a malware attack that affected over 150 countries and cost suspected worldwide damage of over $4 billion. The ransomware used an exploit in Windows to spread and infect nearly 230,000 computers. The NHS hospital network in the United Kingdom was particularly badly affected. It cost their IT Support Department 92 million pounds to fix the issue.

Stay Safe From All Types of Ransomware

It is possible to protect yourself from the main types of ransomware. All ransomware requires some kind of user interaction to intimate the malware, so you need to stay vigilant for phishing attacks and dodgy downloads when using the internet. Keep yourself informed, and you can remain safe from hackers when working online.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.