Taking Care of Your Teeth: When to Get Dentures

Taking Care of Your Teeth: When to Get Dentures

Contrary to what most people think, dentures aren’t just a dental solution for the elderly. Most people might have the idea that they’re a set of removable teeth that you keep in a glass of water on your nightstand.

Well, dentures have a come a long way over the years and they’re a fantastic, versatile option for a number of dental issues, at any age. Not only are they comfortable, natural-looking, and easy to use, dentures are an affordable option if you can’t cover the expense of crowns or veneers.

The question remains, when to get dentures? This blog outlines everything you need to know.

Choosing Denture Types

When you opt for dentures it doesn’t automatically mean that you’ve lost all of your natural teeth. Today, you have a number of denture types and options to choose from. Some of the most popular include:

  • Complete dentures — these replace all of your natural teeth if you have lost your teeth or they need to be removed. They allow you to eat and chew solid foods and enjoy a natural-looking set of teeth
  • Immediate dentures — this is a great option if you’ve lost a natural tooth due to an accident/illness and don’t want to wait for new dental fixtures
  • Partial dentures — this is a removable option and is ideal if you need dentures for only a section of your teeth, not an entire set. This is the perfect option if you don’t like the idea of permanent tooth implants
  • Partial dentures — the point of these is to replace a section of your teeth/tooth. As fixed dentures, they are the ideal choice if you still have enough healthy teeth to support the implant

Then there’s also the modern-day option of implant-retained dentures. Back in the day, the popular option use to be the implant overdenture technique. But thanks to modern technology, there’s a stronger and more secure option for traditional denture placement.

Implant-retained dentures snap over dental implants in your gums. They offer both a permanent and temporary solution and they’re capable of replacing every tooth in your mouth.

When To Get Dentures: The Top Signs to Watch For

The reality is that many people tend to be in denial about the state of their oral health. Especially the elderly who do not realize how much dentures can benefit their overall health.

But some common signs that indicate it’s time for dentures include:

  • You experience pain when eating solid foods, or, you cannot chew solid foods well enough to eat them at all
  • You have an intense and persistent toothache that makes day-to-day tasks difficult to focus on
  • You have loose teeth that tend to shift and wiggle — which might come down to bone deterioration in the jaw
  • You suffer from persistently red and inflamed gums that bleed — a sign of gum disease
  • You have multiple missing teeth that make eating and speaking difficult
  • You have lost your teeth due to illness, infection, or an accident

There’s also the option of dentures if you have damaged, chipped, or severely stained teeth that you’d like removed. However, there are other less-invasive options to consider before this, too.

Ideally, you want to visit your dentist for a consultation and their recommendation first.

Your Daily Fix of Health and Fitness Is Just a Click Away

So, your choice on when to get dentures is actually quite a personal decision. But all-in-all, if your oral health is having a severe impact on your overall health, this is a sign that you shouldn’t delay oral care and the possibility of dentures any longer.

Looking to stay on top of your health and fitness as you get older? Check out the rest of this site for informative updates, tips, and advice on how to keep your health in check.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com