The Best Available Software for Home Inspections

The Best Available Software for Home Inspections

You can be a buyer who wants to find out that the claims your home inspection company is making of being up to date and using technology are valid. You can be a property manager keeping track of home inspections. Or you can be a home inspector yourself. In any case, having good software is the demand of the current technology-savvy times. It is also a need as it eases down the workload for the human brain. The following is the list of the best available home inspection software:


  • Horizon Software

Its report writing tool is the primary reason businesses like home inspection choose this software. The most tedious part of a home inspection is making the report and for the client to go the report page by page. A software like this makes the process user-friendly and understandable for the client. The software is additionally popular as purchasing it is inclusive of free home inspection training.

  • Home Inspector Pro

Forget reports with endless words and graphs with this software; the inspectors can add videos to their final report. If a home inspector uses Inspector Pro, the client will not have to wait and continuously follow up on the final report. The inspector will be able to make the report on site. Unlike many software, Inspector Pro is compatible with iPhone, Ipad, Android, Windows, and Macbook.

  • EZ Inspection

The software truly makes the work of home inspection easy. Other than the feature of attaching photos and videos to the final report, it creates automatic summary pages once the data entry. Moreover, the software spell checks the entire report for the creator. There is no limitation to the number of reports or templates.

  • Ahit

While many software is loaded with features, they can be challenging to use due to their interface. Ahit is software with a simple interface. It is fast, easy, and you don’t need to pay each time you create a report. It is a one-time purchase software; you can own it for life.

  • Home Inspection

The last on the list is Home Inspection software. The advantage of this software is its feature of supporting thermal image attachments which make the report better. You will neither have to pay when they update the software nor for a test drive through the software. Moreover, it provides live support and automatic summary pages.


We are living in times when functioning without adapting technology is nearly impossible. Having good software for a home inspection in Gwinnett, Alaska, Michigan, anywhere can make the work efficient and easy. However, as this is a digital era, the market is in flux with competing software. If you are looking for one, make sure you identify your needs before purchasing one blindly.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.