The Poem Abou Ben Adhem A Summary

The Poem Abou Ben Adhem A Summary

Abou Ben Adhem is an 18th-century poem written by the English poet James Leigh Hunt. The poem is about the virtues of charity and kindness and how they come back to us in the forms of love and goodwill. It is a simple yet powerful story that speaks to us of the importance of doing good and being kind to our fellow human beings. In this article, we will provide a summary of the poem and discuss its themes and messages.

Overview of Abou Ben Adhem

Abou Ben Adhem is an 18th-century poem written by the English poet James Leigh Hunt in 1834. The poem is about a dream that Abou Ben Adhem, a religious man from the Middle East, has. In the dream, an angel visits him and asks him who loves the Lord the most. Abou Ben Adhem replies that he loves the Lord and that he would love to be at the top of the list, but he is not. The poem then goes on to tell us how Abou Ben Adhem’s act of kindness towards others ultimately leads to his name being placed at the top of the list.

Summary of Abou Ben Adhem

Abou Ben Adhem is a religious man from the Middle East who has a dream in which an angel visits him and asks him who loves the Lord the most. Abou Ben Adhem replies that he loves the Lord and that he would love to be at the top of the list, but he is not. The angel then goes on to tell Abou Ben Adhem that the Lord does not only reward those who love Him the most, but also those who love their fellow human beings. Abou Ben Adhem realizes that he has not done enough to show his love for others, so he decides to make a change. He begins to visit the sick and the poor and to bring comfort to those in need. After some time, the angel returns to Abou Ben Adhem and tells him that his name is now at the top of the list.

Themes of Abou Ben Adhem

The poem Abou Ben Adhem is about the importance of charity and kindness and how they come back to us in the forms of love and goodwill. It is a reminder that we should be kind to others, as this will result in our own good fortune. The poem also speaks to us of the power of faith and how our beliefs can guide us and help us to make the right decisions.

Message of Abou Ben Adhem

The message of Abou Ben Adhem is that we should be kind and charitable to others, as our acts of kindness will come back to us in the form of love and goodwill. The poem also speaks to us of the power of faith and how our beliefs can guide us and help us to make the right decisions.


Abou Ben Adhem has had a lasting impact on the literary world since it was first published in 1834. It has been widely praised for its simple yet powerful message of kindness and charity. The poem has been translated into many languages and has been included in many anthologies, making it a classic example of 18th-century poetry. Abou Ben Adhem has also been widely studied in schools and universities, as its themes are still relevant today.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.