The Story Behind the Festival Dussehra

The Story Behind the Festival Dussehra

After the nine days of the festival Navratri arrives. This festival is celebrated in India with many types of reason. This is the end of the fantastic festival Navratri and in this festival many Gods had killed many Demons and till the end of this article you will know that which God had killed which demon and why festival is called Dussehra. This festival is also called as Vijayadashmi, Dasara or Dashain. This festival is celebrated in the month Ashvin or Kartik (according to Indian calendar). This festival is also celebrated in southern, eastern, north-eastern, and some northern states of India. And the story of  the festival with the different viewpoints is are as follows :-

The story of Dussehra with the view point of the festival Navratri is are as follows :-

Once there was the Demon named Dhanu, he had two son’s named “Rambha” and “Karambha”. Once they headed to their father and asked to them that what is the purpose of their life ? Then their father explained that they needed a grandson who haves the boon of immortal . So, their father ordered them to perform the penance of Lord Brahma as hearing their order both Son’s agreed and both leaves for the penance of Lord Brahma for the boon of immortal Son. Then “Rambha” had burned five holy fire and sat on the tree and started the penance of Lord Brahma. Then the “Krambha” reaches to the bottom of the sea and started the penance of Lord Brahma. Then the Lord Indra get to know about this penance which is been done by “Rambha” and “Krambha” then he thought that if Lord Bramha appeared and given the boon to both brother’s then they will conquer the three world and there would havoc in whole world. So, had taken the decision to stop the both brothers from performing penance of the Lord Brahma. So, they disguise themselves in to the Crocodile and put the end on the life of Karambha by eating him alive. And then they went to visit the Rambha and terrorized him by telling him that how they killed his brother and told him that if he continue then his end is also gonna same. So, he thought that is better to kill himself then get killed by the Lord Indra. So, he stopped penance and hailed to the Lord Agni the God of the fire that except his head with this hail he bended his head on the holy fire then suddenly the fire form five holy fire get together and became  from that Lord Agni appeared and stopped to Rambha from doing suicide and said that he was very happy from the penance which he had performed and asked him for the boon whatever he need. Then replied them that he needed the son can disguised himself in whatever he want to be and he should be such a strong king that he can rule over the three world and people get terrorize when he arrives. Then the God Agni had given that boon and told him to take care of one thing that from there he would marry the girl the son would be like it. Rambha had agreed to that term set out in search of such a companion. Then one day he reached  on  the Yaksha mountain. At that place he looks an Maheshee and he asked her to marry him then the Maheshee asked him to turn into Maheshee then both married according to the tradition. And then their son was Mahisha asur who was both the Maheshee and the Demon. Then the Mahisha asur performs the penance in the hail of Lord Brahma he had done the hard penance in order to appear the Lord Brahma. Then one day Lord Brahma appeared in front of Mahisha asur and told him to demand for the boon he wanted. Then Mahisha asur demanded the boon of immortal then the Lord Brahma replied that every person who had born have surely to Die so asked him demand for the different boon. So, he asked the boon that no male can kill him because he had thought that no women can fight him and can conquer over him. So, Lord Brahma had given the boon to the Mahisha asur after getting the boon from the Lord Brahma he had gathered his army of the demons and immediately ordered to plan an attack over the God’s and be the king of three world’s.

They eventually made an attack over the God’s and became the Lord of the three world’s and then all the God’s asked for the help of the Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. But the Mahisha asur was high on vanity so, he don’t listened even the Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. So, the God’s thought that they have to prepare such a Goddess who can kill him because he had the boon that he cannot be killed by the male. So, all God’s put some part of their power and then the Goddess Durga was made with that power’s and they had gifted their some weapons to Goddess in order to fight with the demon Mahisha asur then Goddess sat on her Lion and per sued to fight with Mahisha asur. Then Mahisha asur said to him that they can make a great married couple and will not found any more powerful male like him anywhere then Goddess told him about the battle then Mahisha asur with his army of demon had lead to fight with the Goddess. This fight had lasted for nine day’s which is said to be navratri.

And the day he was killed was known as vijayadashmi or Dussehra. This form of goddess was very violent. And if you are intersted in this kind of stories then you should contact the BEST ASTROLOGER IN USA because is the best and expert in telling this kind of stories and performing yanas and pujas.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.