Things to Take Care of While Using Internet Banking

Things to Take Care of While Using Internet Banking

Internet banking is not a new concept in the world. This service of the bank has been around here for quite a few years now. All the banks in India (almost all of them) offer internet banking services at no extra cost to the customers.

All the customers who have an account with the bank are eligible to use this service. In the case of some banks, they don’t allow minors to activate this service for their account. This totally depends upon the internal policies of the bank in which the minor customer has the account.

Just as amazing as this feature is dangerous this can get if the customer is not very cautious while using it. So today I will tell you about a few things that you should keep in mind while using internet banking services. Irrespective of your bank you can refer to this article.

You Can Access this Service Only Using the Official Website of your Bank

The customers are allowed to use or access the service only using the official website of the bank. Make sure that you never enter your account details on any third-party websites.

You can find the list of the official websites of all Indian Banks here. There are a lot of websites online that pose like they are the official website of your bank. These are the websites that are designed to steal your details like username and password.

Never Share your OTPs, the Bank will Never Contact you Asking for It

The bank or the people working for the bank will never contact you asking for your OTP. So if you ever receive any such call or SMS. You have to take special care that you should never share your OTP.

If you share then you will endup losing money that you have in your account. In case if you have time then you can report to your bank that you received such a call. This can help your bank to fight such scammers in a better manner.

Never share your Passwords, Other will Get Access to your Account

No matter how close someone is to you. I recommend you not to share your internet banking password with them. They might leak it intentionally or unintentionally.

In some cases, the person knowing your password might endup misusing it. So it is better not to share your password with anyone.

Change your Password Regularly

No matter if you have shared your password with someone or not. You should consider updating your password every once in a while.

While you are changing the password make sure you choose a strong password. The password you are setting should be hard to be guessed by anyone.

Don’t Use the Same Password for All Your Internet Banking Accounts

It is quite common to have multiple accounts with multiple banks. But you should make sure that you are not using the same password for every internet banking account you have.

If you have then if one account is hacked then it will become quite easy for the hacker to crack in into your other bank accounts as well.

Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi to Access the Internet Banking Services

In most of the public places these days we get a free Wi-Fi access. But the next time you use one you should keep in mind that you should not access your internet banking services.

If you are in a situation where there is no other way with you than to use the public Wi-Fi. Then I recommend you use a good reputation VPN application to encrypt your data packets.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.