Tips To Choosing The Right Garment Storage Bag For Your Apparels

Tips To Choosing The Right Garment Storage Bag For Your Apparels

Couture apparels require couture packaging. If you are an apparel business owner who deals in wedding dresses, men’s suits, heavy couture pieces, military uniforms, etc., you must be aware of the importance of a garment storage bag. But if you want to introduce these bags now, or just started a new business, let us tell you things to look for in a garment storage bag before buying. 


Tyvek- Tyvek is a proprietary material with a brand name that is utilized in the best archival clothing bags. It is acid-free and highly dense, which means it can keep moisture and impurities out better than muslin. The density also ensures that it is slightly heavier than other garments storage bag materials. Let us tell you that Tyvek is the highest quality garment bag available. 


The typical fabric for garment storage bags is muslin. The fabric must be unbleached to effectively safeguard your outfit; bleaches used in some commercial muslin will damage your garment over time. The muslin must also be made entirely of cotton fiber to provide the best protection. A good muslin storage bag will keep your garment safe from light and dust, as well as reduce the effects of high humidity. Muslin bags may not have all of the advantages of more modern fabrics, but museums continue to use them since they are non-acidic.

Non woven PP –

if you want a lighter, less dense fabric than Tyvek, then choose non-woven PP. The fabric is light, so it does not add up extra weight to the garments, and it becomes easy for your customers to carry heavy dresses. But, don’t judge its strength based on its weight and density. It’s a very strong material that can resist scratches and scrapes. Another thing that makes it a popular choice amongst business owners is the fact that it’s an environmentally friendly material that can be recycled.


Another thing that you should take care of is the quality. We have discussed the fabric and its strength. But what defines the durability of these materials is their quality. Now, every material comes in different grades, low to high. If you want the best quality for your garment bags soo your customers can use these bags for a longer duration, always check the quality grade of the bags you are ordering. 

Size and shape

The apparel business can sell any type of clothing, from heavy dresses to men’s suits. So, each business has a particular requirement when it comes to the shape and size of the bag. So, when you have decided on the material, look out for size availability from the source you are purchasing. Many manufacturers even allow customization so you can build a garment storage bag as per your required measurements. 


when purchasing a garment storage bag to pack your apparel, taking care of the material you choose, along with quality and size, is a must. These considerations will help you buy an ideal garment to pack your couture clothing.  

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.