Types, Meanings, and Duality of Dragon Jewelry

Types, Meanings, and Duality of Dragon Jewelry

The dragon is an intricate symbol that plays a significant role in the mythology of all ancient civilizations. The origin of the dragon coincides with the first attempts to comprehend the world around us and its history goes back to ancient antiquity. The symbol of the dragon hasn’t lost its relevance at the present time. You can notice it in modern religions, philosophical teachings, heraldry, and even horoscope. The dragon is also one of the most popular symbols in jewelry. However, before you put on a ring or pendant featuring this symbol, you should first learn what meanings it hides.

The Two Sides of the Dragon

Each nation attached a different, often opposite, meaning to the concept of the dragon. In China, the dragon personifies good forces, happiness, prosperity, and wisdom. The dragon is the national emblem of the country. It guards every house and is a good friend to every dweller of the Middle Kingdom. The images of the dragon adorn hearths in Chinese domiciles; the hieroglyph that depicts the dragon also stands for mind, strength, energy, and nature. Besides that, the flying serpent is able to bring good luck and cast away demons. It is a mediator between the opposing cosmic forces – spirituality, life in the physical body, as well as chthonic creatures.

Western cultures perceived the dragon in a different way. They saw a symbol of evil, hostility, and deceit in it. Dragons attacked villages, burned everything to the ground, killed innocent people. According to European traditions, fighting a dragon is the ultimate challenge and feat. The conquest of the dragon means the victory of order over chaos and spirit over matter. With the advent of Christianity, the dragon turned into the personification of chaos, destructive energies, and evil. In the Middle Ages, it began to be perceived as a demonic symbol. Only the saints (St. George and Michael) and people of enormous inner strength could slay a dragon. In a symbolic meaning, if you defeat a dragon, you overcome your sins.

What Evil and Good Dragons Have in Common

While Chinese dragons are adored, European nationals feared and hated them. At the same time, eastern and western dragons share many similarities.

  1. The dragon is a combination of a serpent’s body and wings, i.e. it represents two elements, the air and earth. This means that dragons are an ancient primary source of life that connects everything in the world.
  2. The dragon always embodies tremendous power and strength, although it uses it in different ways. Its huge size, frightening appearance, spikes, and claws are associated with active and even aggressive actions. For this reason, the images of a dragon were often used by military groups.
  3. The dragon represents the original energy of the world and its primordiality. Sometimes, it has an uncontrollable nature, such as chaos. On the other hand, it may personify the rational structure of the universe (in the east, it is responsible for the creative essence of the world, Yang).
  4. Most often, the dragon is an owner or source of some kind of treasure, be it wealth, wisdom, or other benefits. A person can get their hands on this treasure by fighting and defeating the dragon (in the West) or worshiping it (in the East).

Thus, the fundamental meaning of the dragon can be interpreted as the embodiment of natural forces. These forces feature enormous potential; with the right approach, a person is able to take advantage of them.

Dragon Jewelry

As you can see, dragons are not only a delight to the eyes, they are a multi-layered and complex ancient symbol. If you want to convey a certain meaning with your jewelry but you prefer to do so indirectly, unique dragon rings will come in handy. Everything about their look, from their color to their pose and props, contributes to specific significances. Now let’s look at some of the most glorious dragons – you might want your jewelry to carry their images.

Tianlong, also known as the heavenly dragon, guards heavenly palaces and protects the gods. It is one of the few Oriental dragons to have wings. Apart from the wings, its superiority over others can be seen in the number of claws. It has five on each foot, while its counterparts have four or three.

Shenlong is a divine dragon and the lord of the weather. It is often depicted with a human head, a pot belly, and blue scales. Blue enamel or blue gem inserts (sapphire, beryl, topaz, tourmaline, etc.) refer to this type of dragon. This serpent is responsible for fruitfulness, and creativity, as well as for yields.

Dilong, aka earth dragon, rules rivers, springs, and seas. It hides in the depths of water in stately palaces. This dragon is friendly to people and often enters into romantic relationships with them. If you, too, have a romantic and passionate nature, Dilong can be your patron.

Fucanglong hides from everyone in underground caves. This type of dragon carries a pearl under the chin or in the mouth as a sign of true wealth, the highest wisdom. It will become a patron saint for wise and secretive people. They are often inconspicuous, but once you get to know them better, your life will never be the same.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com