USB CHARGE A walkie talkie without Charger

USB CHARGE A walkie talkie without Charger

USB CHARGE A walkie talkie without Charger:-

 There is a USB port on almost all walkie talkies, so they can be charged easily. Any device or equipment can be connected easily with it. Here are some considerations you should take into account:

  1. It is possible to charge your walkie talkie if your walkie-talkie does not have a USB port if you have a smartphone USB cable with you. Check that your smartphone has the same USB port as your walkie-talkie.
  2. USB ports are good for plugging in devices like laptops, power banks, or even the USB port on your car.
  3. The other end of the USB cable needs to be connected to the walkie-talkie.
  4. Before charging your device, make sure it is turned on.

The walkie-talkie you use will charge smoothly. Keep the walkie-talkie’s battery in the charger while it is charging for safety purposes.


For this type of charging, you must complete the steps.

  1. Firstly, the walkie-talkie must be de-batteried.
  2. You can use a 9-volt alkaline battery, an AA battery, or an AAA battery.
  3. Ensure that the battery voltage of the alkaline battery matches the dead battery’s. As a result, you might have difficulties trusting the walkie-talkie battery charged with alkaline batteries.

Furthermore, most household batteries have a 1.5-volt capacity. 3 AA or AAA batteries are needed in series for 3.7V Li-ion batteries.

  • By connecting the alkaline batteries, form a series.
  • A metal wire piece and a wire piece made from plastic should be purchased. To connect alkaline batteries and walkie-talkie batteries, tape the wires together.
  • To connect alkaline batteries and walkie-talkie batteries, tape the wires together. When handling these batteries, be careful not to touch the wires.
  • Charging should begin after a while.

The only caution is that NiMH batteries can be charged using this method, but it takes quite some time. Slow charging can cause NiMH batteries to burn memory. Using this method with a NiMH battery can damage the storm, which you probably don’t want to happen.


If you prefer, you can charge your walkie-talkie with a clip charger. The steps are as follows:

  1. it batteries should be removed
  2. Placing the battery on the clip charger’s charging platform is required for charging.
  3. Charge the device by plugging it in and turning it on.

Your battery can be charged the simplest way using this method. The clip charger is only suitable for Li-ion batteries. You should always bring one along, as this allows you to quickly charge your battery, similar to what a USB does.


It is possible to recharge batteries without a charger as long as they are rechargeable. A different approach might result in injury.

You can charge the walkie talkie batteries with any walkie-talkie that has a USB port.

AA, AAA, and 9-volt alkaline batteries can also be used to recharge your battery. Because NiMH batteries require rapid charging, slow charging of alkaline batteries might endanger them.

Clip chargers cannot function without Li-ion batteries. Fast and convenient, this method of charging walksie-talkies is straightforward. Make sure you read the instructions on how to use your clip charger.

Despite the fact that can be charged through these methods, it’s a good idea to have a charger with you. You may want to bring an alkaline battery along with your device if it is powered by alkaline.

In order to handle these methods effectively, it is critical that you research and possess the right kind of battery and experience. Furthermore, charging takes a bit more time than simply bringing your charger with you.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.