Vikki Nicolai La Crosse Wi Discusses Growing Green With Tips For Starting Your Own Organic Garden

Vikki Nicolai La Crosse Wi Discusses Growing Green With Tips For Starting Your Own Organic Garden

The allure of organic gardening has increasingly captivated enthusiasts worldwide, driven by its profound importance and numerous benefits for personal health and environmental sustainability. In this blog, well-known environmentalist Vikki Nicolai La Crosse Wi discusses how gardening eschews synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in favor of natural methods to nurture plants, fostering a more harmonious relationship with nature. The benefits of adopting an organic gardening practice are multifaceted; it contributes to a healthier diet by providing fresher and more nutrient-rich produce and plays a pivotal role in preserving biodiversity and reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional farming methods. Through organic gardening, individuals empower themselves with the knowledge and skills to produce environmentally friendly and sustainable food, making it an indispensable practice in today’s environmentally conscious climate.

Preparing The Soil

Victoria Nicolai La Crosse shares that soil preparation is foundational in establishing a thriving organic garden. Before planting, it’s crucial to test the soil to understand its nutrient content and pH level. This information guides you in making the necessary amendments to ensure your soil meets the specific needs of your garden plants. Adding compost is essential in organic gardening. It enriches the soil with vital nutrients and improves its structure, which enhances root growth and water retention.

Natural fertilizers, such as bone meal or green manure, further contribute to soil fertility without the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers. Gardeners set the stage for robust plant growth and higher yields by focusing on building healthy, nutrient-rich soil.

Selecting Plants

Choosing the right seeds is pivotal in cultivating a successful organic garden. Opting for organic seeds over non-GMO seeds ensures that your plants start free from synthetic chemicals and genetic modifications, aligning with the principles of organic gardening. Organic seeds come from plants grown under organic conditions, fostering a cycle of sustainability and environmental respect.

Furthermore, companion planting—a method of arranging plants synergistically—can significantly enhance garden health and productivity. For instance, marigolds repel pests away from tomatoes, while basil improves the growth and flavor of neighboring plants. This natural strategy deters pests and promotes a biodiverse ecosystem within your garden, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

Planting And Maintaining Your Garden

Adhering to best spacing practices is crucial for your plants’ health and productivity when planting your garden. Overcrowding can lead to competition for resources and increased susceptibility to diseases, so ensure each plant has ample space to thrive. Watering your garden requires a balanced approach; too little water stresses plants, while too much can lead to root rot and other issues. Early morning watering is most beneficial as it allows water to reach the roots before the day’s heat can cause evaporation. Regular weeding is essential to prevent competitors from taking over, and mulching can help suppress weed growth and retain soil moisture.

Vikki Nicolai La Crosse Wi added that pruning is another important maintenance task that removes dead or diseased foliage and encourages healthy growth. For natural pest control, consider introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs or lacewings, that prey on common garden pests. Following these guidelines, you can maintain a healthy, vibrant garden that encourages productive growth throughout the season.

Harvesting Your Produce

Harvesting your produce at the right time maximizes flavor and nutrition. Each type of fruit and vegetable has unique signs that indicate ripeness. Victoria Nicolai’s example is tomatoes should be firm and fully colored, while zucchini should be harvested when they are small to medium in size to ensure tenderness. Harvesting in the morning is best when the plant’s sugar content is highest. After harvesting, wash your produce in cold water to remove any soil and pests, and dry them thoroughly to prevent mold growth.

Most vegetables and fruits are stored in a cool, dark place, though some, like tomatoes and onions, are best at room temperature. Learning to recognize the right time to harvest and employing proper storage techniques can significantly enhance the quality and longevity of your organic garden’s bounty.

Extending The Gardening Season

Extending the gardening season allows gardeners to cultivate plants beyond the traditional growing period, allowing them to enjoy fresh produce for a longer duration. Utilizing techniques like greenhouses and cold frames can significantly enhance this capability. Greenhouses offer a controlled environment, protecting plants from extreme weather while providing warmth and sunlight, enabling year-round growth.

On the other hand, cold frames are a simpler, more cost-effective method for extending the season. These ground-level enclosed spaces trap heat from the sun, creating a microclimate that can protect plants from early frosts and extend the growing season into the colder months. Both methods lengthen the gardening season and increase the variety of plants that can be successfully grown in your garden.


Venturing into organic gardening is an enriching experience that promises a bounty of fresh, healthy produce and an opportunity to contribute positively to the environment. Armed with the know-how on soil preparation, plant selection, and natural pest control, you’re well on your way to cultivating a thriving organic garden. Start small, learn through experience, and gradually expand your garden as you become more confident in your gardening skills. Remember, every organic garden contributes to a healthier planet. By taking these steps, you’re not just growing fruits and vegetables but nurturing a more sustainable and ecologically balanced world. Happy gardening.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.