What Are the Different Types of Dental Treatments That Exist Today?

What Are the Different Types of Dental Treatments That Exist Today?

Oral health statistics from the Center for Disease Control would astound you. 26% of adults have untreated tooth decay, while another 46% over the age of 30 show signs of gum disease.

With these alarming statistics, it’s essential to get a yearly checkup to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. However, not everyone has the same dental issues.

In fact, there are a variety of dental treatments for anyone with more severe oral issues. Continue reading to gain more insight into each procedure.

  1. General Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is one of the more common reasons why people visit the dentist. Although we brush our teeth twice daily, professional dental cleaning helps with:

  • Controlling bad breath bacteria
  • Removing stains and dullness from teeth
  • Preventing gum diseases

Depending on your oral health, a dentist may recommend a cleaning every six months to a year.

  1. Fillings

Filling cavities is another reason why people visit dentists. According to the American Dental Association, more than 90% of adults older than 20 have multiple cavities.

Cavities come from acid in certain foods breaking down your tooth enamel and incorrect oral hygiene practices. However, a dentist can fill them quickly.

The procedure involves numbing your mouth, removing the tooth decay, then cleaning and filling it. You will feel slight pressure during the process, but you won’t feel any excruciating pain.

  1. Tooth Extraction

There may be a situation where you have a tooth that’s too far gone to save. As a result, a tooth extraction will be required.

First, your dentist numbs your tooth and surrounding area. Since teeth are held in place by tissue, they can be hard to remove.

Afterward, the dentist enlarges the tooth socket to remove the infected tooth with the help of a forceps. Luckily, you’ll feel no pain, but there will be some pressure.

Once the tooth gets extracted, your dentist will use stitches to close the vacant space. Although it’s closed, there will be some swelling and bleeding. However, follow your dentist’s post-extraction advice for a better recovery.

  1. Root Canal

When people think of scary dental procedures, a root canal is often what first comes to mind. Unfortunately, when the tissue in your tooth becomes infected or inflamed, it can cause severe pain.

The only way to remove that tissue is through a root canal. You’ll be numbed throughout the operation, but you may feel some pain afterward as the infected area is healing.

  1. Dentures

For those that are missing multiple teeth, a dentist may suggest dentures as a solution. They are fake teeth that provide the same function as regular teeth.

There are various types of dentures, such as:

  • Complete dentures
  • Partial removable dentures
  • Overdentures

The type of denture you’ll receive will depend on your oral health. However, the link provided will be your guide to choosing the best dentist for this procedure.

Here Are the Various Dental Treatments

As you can see, there are a variety of dental treatments for any oral health issue. So if you’re feeling some discomfort in your teeth, ensure to visit your local dentist today.

To learn more about the dental industry, check out other posts on our blog.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com