What are the Fundamentals of Graphic Design?

What are the Fundamentals of Graphic Design?

Due to large-scale digitalization, online businesses have gained an impetus. Whether a company sells a product, offers a service, or helps people find companionship, one can get them all on the web. But for the growth of the online business, you must build a responsive and user-friendly website. Graphic designing is one of the core components of a successful website. 

People like to browse websites that give them information and are also interesting to browse through in terms of layout. Hence, the service providers of graphic design in Belfast follow some key principles to add unique elements to the website, enhancing its entire appeal.

Today, this article will take you through the top 5 fundamentals every graphic designer must know and use in their designs.

The 5 Fundamentals of Graphic Design

Although there are more than just 5 things that help your website stand out from the rest of the competitors, there are a few things that you must pay attention to when it comes to creating a great graphic design.

Below are 5 of the most important aspects of graphic design that you can incorporate without fail.

1. Colour

Colour plays a very imminent role in good graphic design, and people will feel more connected to your brand when you use the right colours. 

Going black and white might seem like a classic choice, but it can also tend to be boring. In such cases, people lose interest very quickly and move on to other pages that are more vibrant.

However, it does not mean that you must add every colour possible. Excessive use of colour can also prove too distracting and, when misused, can do more harm than good. 

It is imminent to stick to a colour theme. The theme needs to be following the brand that you are representing.

2. Composition of Separate Elements 

A web page contains several elements: the menu, search options, or other details about the brand and its affiliations. When designing a web page, it becomes essential to pay attention to how these elements incorporate each other in the best possible way.

The composition of separate elements must be done in a very aesthetic way to look pleasing. All the aspects should be in the right place. It is also imminent to ensure that all necessary elements are added to the webpage, so the website does not look incomplete. You can also use different tools to help you get better at graphic designing for your brand. 

So, if you are an entirely new business in the industry, you can seek professional help from Stride Creative Design Agency to fulfil your design-related needs.

3. Emphasis on the Background 

The background of a webpage also plays a vital role in defining the success of a web page. It needs to be as per the brand represented by the web page. 

You can keep the background in a minimalist form if the brand requires so. Some backgrounds can be creative if the brand is for artistic fields like makeup, travelling, or other concepts.

4. Typography

There is a thin line between an under-achieving web page and an overly excessive website. Even simple things like typography can make a significant impact. 

It is necessary to keep things to appropriate standards as per the brand. The most important aspect is that the typography needs to be legible. 

A few things here and there can be fancy, but apart from that, it is vital to keep the most relevant stuff on the website in typography so that people can identify with your brand.

5. Balance of Visual Elements 

Today, when the competition is fierce, having an online presence that is unlike the rest becomes very important to succeed. 

Adding visual elements to your website can increase the probability of people coming to your website and being interested to know more about your brand. 

When the balance is correct, the website will look more appealing than when the balance gets tipped, and more visual elements are added than required.


Graphic designing can make your website shine out from the rest, or it can ruin the traffic when not done right. 

Since so many aspects need to be considered to create a graphic design to work, it is a good idea to take one step at a time. Try to incorporate things that are most relevant to the brand and the tone that fits the brand.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com