What Is A System On Module? Complete Guide And Benefits

What Is A System On Module? Complete Guide And Benefits

You are well aware that a computer system runs with the help of different hardware and software. However, they all must work well to optimize the system’s performance. With a system on modules, one can customize the technical performance across any industry by being unhackable with advanced computing capabilities. It is an electronic circuit that integrates different features and optimizes the computer’s performance.

All the functions like I/O controllers, memory, and processors are integrated with a single module, optimizing efficiency. A system on modules (SOM) is often compared to a system on chips (SOC). SOC combines different functions on a single check, whereas a SOM integrates it in a module requiring a power source.

What Is A SOM?

SOMs are usually mentioned along with microprocessors, microcontrollers, and systems on chips. Depending on the application and industry, they can be enclosed in a metal housing or constructed above a PCB. Depending on the location, they can also be exposed to all the components. They connect to external boards of a system through solder tabs, edge connectors, and pins.

At the fundamental level, it is an electronic circuit that works as an integrator. A SOM is typically connected to different modular products depending on the technical tasks undertaken. There are categories of boards that are SOMs used for various purposes. Two common types, for example, include the Arduino range of boards and the Raspberry Pi.

The latter is a single-board computer with no particular function and can be used for different purposes. On the other hand, the Arduino range connected to a microcontroller with a pin can be utilized in different environments depending on the prototype.

How Is A SOM Beneficial For Electronics?

In the current technical scenario, systems on chips and semiconductors are being used extensively, but they are limited in their functions. For any industry to use SOCs properly, they require external circuitry. Systems on chips integrate different components and parts like a CPU or a GPU.

They require an electronic circuit like SOM with I/O controllers and memory. Systems on chips usually come with a complex design that can be difficult to handle. Designers need to create a device that can be easily connected with the SOC without any added complexity.

In the Arduino range, for instance, the connectors (pins) are directly connected to the hardware without any issue. The designers ensure that the hardware is not drawing more voltage than necessary. Arduino is a prototyping platform that allows for a better degree of reliability in the functions of the SOM. Another advantage of using a system on modules is that they offer interchangeability.

It means that the design can be optimized with better technology which can easily interchange with the older units already connected to SOCs. Cellular systems and data centers operate as expensive systems that need to be upgraded continuously. They can be upgraded by opting for a change in the SOM rather than changing everything. Depending on the design, they can be reused and recycled for different systems.

What Are Some Examples Of SOMs?

SOMs are made to increase the functionality of a system. They are specially designed for an end-product and are used in a PCB. Based on the usage in technology, there are different SOMs currently used. The ESP32-WROOM-32 and the SAMA5D27 are some examples of SOMs presently being used.


A CPU is the main integrator of the computer, and the SOMs work similarly. It helps integrate a system with different parts with easy connectivity and upgrades. They are used for increasing efficiency and saving time.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com