What to Display in Your Grocery Store’s Meat Section

What to Display in Your Grocery Store’s Meat Section

More than 95% of Americans eat meat and most enjoy it daily. This huge number of Americans cruising the meat section in grocery stores across the nation can earn you big bucks if you own a supermarket.

Knowing how and what to display in your store’s meat selection allows you to increase grocery store meat sales overall. From raw meat to pre-cooked meat items, having the right meat selection is essential.

With all of the great products the meat industry has to offer, picking which ones to fill your shelves can seem tough. Here is how to make the most of your meat section.

Choosing Meat for Your Store

There are a few things you need to consider when choosing meat for your grocery store meat section. The first is the type of meat you wish to choose. You can break items into meat categories by type of animal.

Beef, poultry, pork, fish, lamb, and breakfast meats are a good start. In addition to the types of meat you select, you should also choose different grades of meat. Consider things like organic, grass-fed, and cage-free meat.

Designing a Meat Section in Grocery Store Layouts

Choosing the types of meat for your store is important, but so is the overall design of your meat section. Here’s what you need to consider when designing your grocery store’s meat section.


First and foremost you need to determine the size of your meat section. The size of your meat section will influence its layout. If you own a large grocery store you need to have a large meat section.

Larger meat sections may require multiple rows of refrigerated meat cases. Arrange your meat cases so that they are conducive to customer traffic and don’t cause clogs in your aisles as people browse your meat section.

Separating and Storing Your Meat

Next, you need to separate all of your different meat categories. You will need to refrigerate your meat so get some refrigerated meat cases. Install some meat case dividers to break up your types of meat.

Put each type of meat together. For instance, all of the poultry should go in one meat case separate from the beef. Make sure to put premium cuts of meat on top and leave cheaper cuts for the bottom shelves.

Discounting and Discarding

You should closely monitor the expiration date on each meat item you sell. As the date approaches you need to consider what to do with unsold meat. Don’t let it sit on your shelf too long as this will turn off customers.

At the end of your meat aisle, you should put a clearance bin where the meat on the verge of expiration goes. Discount the price and see if people buy it. If not, discard or donate your expired meat after a day or two.

Make an Elite Meat Section

The meat section in grocery stores across America is one of the most profitable areas of the supermarket. If you select the right types of meat and display them properly, your meat section will thrive.

Use the tips in this guide to create an elite meat section that keeps your customers coming back for more. For other amazing information and life tips like this make sure to check out our blog from time to time.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com