Why You May Experience Stiffness And Soreness After Exercising

Why You May Experience Stiffness And Soreness After Exercising

There are very many benefits that you get as a result of regular exercise. You are healthier, and your heart is in a better condition than people who don’t exercise, primarily if you ensure you exercise several times a week.

All this is good; unfortunately, exercising may leave you sore, especially the first few days after intense training. It is vital to understand why you may feel sore, especially in the muscles you used most and at times pain. This article will discuss why you may be feeling sore after exercising and what you can do to reduce this stiffness and soreness.

Why Are Your Muscles Sore or Stiff After Exercising?

Most people visit physiotherapy services like Sports massage Singapore after being injured for rehabilitation purposes. However, it is not easy at first, especially if you are inactive for an extended period. Your muscles are not used to working so much, so when you exert pressure on them during exercises, the result is soreness and mild pain.

Another reason that may cause soreness is if you are not up to your training routine. You are pushing your muscles more than usual so expect to feel sore for days before your body adjusts to your new training routine. Although your muscles will go through physical stress due to exercises, you should keep exercising until they get used to it.

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What Can You Do To Reduce This Soreness?

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is expected after any physical exercise, and it is very severe on days two and three after exercising. Leaping out of bed and walking may feel uncomfortable and painful.

However, this does not mean you should stop exercising. According to physiotherapy professionals, you should keep exercising, which is the only way to build and strengthen your muscles.

To reduce the soreness and stiffness, you can change the exercise and avoid intense training but ensure you move your affected muscle to facilitate blood circulation. If you lifted weights and felt very sore afterward, you can go on a light jog the following day or choose any other light physical activity.

Pushing your muscles more than they are used to causes soreness, so if you decide to change your workout, do so gradually. That way, you will give the muscles time to adjust to the more intense training.

Additionally, do not sit for a long time because this may make the muscles worse. Move about and perform all your normal daily activities.


Exercising is a very efficient method of ensuring you are fit and healthy. However, starting to live a healthier life and exercising is not easy, and at first, you will feel like quitting due to muscle soreness and pain.

Even so, giving up is not an option; keep exercising and moving all the muscles in your body no matter how sore you feel. You will realize that your body adjusts to the exercise after some time, and thus, you will not experience pain when you do it.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com