10 Degrees That Promise a Bright Future

10 Degrees That Promise a Bright Future

No one wants to invest their time, money, and effort in acquiring a degree that cannot even enable them to earn a living. Before choosing your major, you should look in the future to ensure that you are making the right choice. Your interest in a particular subject should not be the only consideration while choosing it as a subject. You should evaluate which degrees will be in high demand because a mere fondness for a major might not sustain you in the future. The best discipline is the one that enables professionals to earn a comfortable living and offers plenty of job opportunities. Ten degrees that promise a bright future are listed below to make it easier for you to make the right choice.

  • Artificial Intelligence

People often wonder whether there is a field with more demand than supply. If you also think so, you might need to look at Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the innovation of the 21st century that has revolutionized the whole world. You need an artificial intelligence degree to fulfill the job requirements. This degree allows you to create machines that solve problems like human beings. The demand for artificial intelligence is continuously growing because many companies are using AI to improve their product and services. According to ZipRecruiter, the pay of Artificial Intelligence ranges from $100,000 to $200,000 per annum.

  • MBA-MHA Dual Degree

Dual degrees give you the flexibility to apply your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in different disciplines. Especially, the demand for individuals having both healthcare and administrative skills is increasing rapidly after COVID-19. The best way to avail of this opportunity is by opting for an MBA MHA dual degree online. There is a need for leadership in the healthcare system to maintain a balance between economic aspects and patient care.

  • Chemical Engineering

The field of chemical engineering is in the limelight at present. It’s one of the unique subjects that deal with all major sciences, i.e., biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Chemical engineering includes inventing equipment and processes to refine raw materials into useful products. According to a BLS report, the employment of chemical engineers is projected to grow 9% until 2030, which is the most in the engineering profession. Chemical engineers get the opportunity to work in major companies, which include pharmaceutical companies and laboratories.

  • Nursing

In the past, the nursing profession was not recognized well, but now they are considered key players in the future of healthcare. Nursing is a combination of science and humanitarian services. Nurses are an invaluable connection between physicians and patients, providing care as well as an emotional comfort to the patients. Due to the fast-growing population of newborns and elders, the demand for nurses is also increasing. If you want to serve humanity, nursing can be a rewarding career for you.

  • Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. After pursuing this career, you can, later on, decide to become a professional pilot or an aerospace engineer. Aerospace engineers have a wide range of industries to work in. They can get the opportunity to work in airlines, defense, or giant companies like SpaceX. Aerospace engineers can become the most demanding skill in the future if space travel becomes possible.

  • Petroleum Engineering

If you want to get one of the highest-paying jobs immediately after completing your degree, look no further than the field of petroleum engineering. The job of a petroleum engineer is to extract the petroleum and explore the new petroleum reserves to provide energy that runs the world. As petrol reserves are decreasing, the importance of petroleum engineers is increasing. Petroleum engineering is a lucrative field that pays you a huge sum of money. These are the reasons that make petroleum engineering one of the top degrees in the United States.

  • Pharmacology

After COVID-19 exposed the health system, the world recognized the importance of pharmacists in the healthcare system. You can acquire many job opportunities with a bachelor-level pharmacy degree. Although you need an advanced degree to become a licensed pharmacist, you can also open a drug store to start your business. As new viruses are always attacking the world, it’s a pharmacist’s job to save the world. Moreover, a degree in pharmacy gives you job security due to the growing needs of the healthcare industry today.

  • Game Development

The craze for video gaming is making gaming a whole new industry. Working in the gaming industry is going to be the most rewarding career in the future. You will find hardly a few universities teaching this subject, but you can take the help of online courses to become a game developer. You should only choose this career if you have a passion for gaming because it is an extremely challenging field.

  • Robotics

It is always a human desire to invent new machines and reduce human work. The invention of robots has introduced a whole new industry in the world. The demand for robotic engineers is on the rise because of their role in the automotive industry. The job of a robotic engineer is to build, design, and maintain robotic devices.

  • Cyber Security

As the internet is taking over the whole world, the number of threats is also increasing. Cybercrimes are constantly growing and threatening the whole world. There comes the cyber security expert whose job is to protect online data from being theft. In a survey, 65% of the organizations had a shortage of cyber security staff. Cyber security experts are highly paid because of their needs and shortage.

The choice of your career can make or break your life. You have to make this decision wisely, keeping the future trends in mind. The world is evolving at a fast speed, and you have to make the right decisions to keep pace with it. The highly demanded professions in the past might not be beneficial in the upcoming years. The degrees that are mentioned in this article will be the future trends that can guarantee you a successful and comfortable lifestyle.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com