10 Tips for healthy nails

10 Tips for healthy nails

A ruddy, smooth hand with neat, shiny and strong healthy nails is the desire of many people, especially women. 

Here are 10 simple tips from Mimi Nails – a nail salon with decades of experience including using natural and kitchen-available ingredients to help you achieve that goal. Choose whichever way suits you best.

Use lemon juice

health nails

This is a very simple and popular way to keep nails white, healthy, and hands smelling fresh. Use a few drops of lemon juice mixed with about 200 ml of warm water to soak your hands for about 20 mins.

If you are more patient, you can use a sliced ​​lemon to rub it directly on your nails, then wash your hands with clean water.

Clean your nails with toothpaste

The substances in toothpaste will help your nails overcome the disadvantages of yellowing, brittleness and brittleness. Use toothpaste (preferably white) mixed with a little salt (or no salt is fine), apply to nails. Then use a soft brush dipped in water to gently scrub the nails for about 5 minutes.


Do this 2-3 times a week, you will have beautiful nails.

Olive oil and warm water

Olive oil and warm water

Soak your hands in a mixture of warm water mixed with a few drops of olive oil every day to help your nails smooth, white and pink. Every day, taking 10-15 minutes to do this will also help your hands relax. Also with olive oil, you can pour a few drops of oil into your hands, mix with salt to make your own. Massage, warm hands for 5-10 minutes. This method not only helps to strengthen nails, but also helps smooth and soft hands due to massage to help blood circulation.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C and calcium

If your nails are dull, scratchy and fragile, it means that your body is lacking in vitamin C and calcium. Please add vegetables, tubers and fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus, broccoli, tomatoes, vegetables … into the daily diet to improve this condition. Calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, milk , cheese, walnuts, almonds, eggs… will also add calcium to your body.


After every shower, washing, dishwashing… You should try to apply a layer of moisturizer specifically for your hands so that the skin on your hands is not cracked and your nails are not dry. After applying the cream, just take 2-3 minutes to massage your hands and fingers gently.

Don’t forget to use gloves


When cleaning the house, washing dishes, doing laundry, gardening… don’t forget to use rubber gloves to protect your hands and nails. This method is simple, but if you have this habit, your hands and nails will avoid dirt as well as avoid direct contact with chemicals. 

Drink more water

Every day, you should maintain the water supply for the body about 1.5-2 liters of water through drinking, eating soup, and fruits.

Lack of water in the body will lead to your beauty and health being affected. Your skin and eyes will become dry, wrinkled, and scaly. Hair is dry and loses its smoothness. Besides, your nails will also dry, lose their shine.

Add protein to your diet

Fingernails, legs and hair are made up of many layers of protein horns, so getting enough protein through your daily diet can help them grow and stay strong.

Choose lean meats like chicken, turkey, cold-water fish, low-fat and soy products to keep your nails strong.

Choose foods rich in iron and omega-3

Iron will help bring back your skin, hair as well as your nails and feet more vitality and a healthier look. So don’t forget to add wholemeal bread and pasta with dark and leafy vegetables or beans, meat, fish and eggs to your daily meals.

Use baking soda

baking soda

Baking soda (baking powder) has ingredients that help bleach very effectively. Use a paste made from water and baking powder to apply to the nail and surrounding nail skin, then rub gently for about half an hour. Every week you spend a little time doing this will help your nails pink, healthy white.

Above are 10 tips for nail care, you can add to your routine to keep your nails healthy and shiny. Additionally, you can get more tips to keep your nails healthy at home if you want to dig deeper in this personal care world!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com