3 Tips for Choosing a Circuit Breaker

3 Tips for Choosing a Circuit Breaker

When it comes to choosing a circuit breaker for your electrical panel, there are many things to consider.

There is a lot of information out there on this topic, and we want to make sure we provide you with the most accurate and helpful information so that you can choose the best circuit breaker for your needs.

In this article, we will discuss what kind of circuit breakers exist as well as some tips on how they should be used in an electrical system.

  1. Determine the Right Load Type for Your Circuit Breaker

First, you want to determine the right load type for your circuit breaker.

There are three different types of loads that can be placed on a house electrical system: lighting/receptacle, heating/air conditioning (HVAC), and motor loads.

Each one will require its own specific circuit breaker.

The best way to know which kind of load you have is by checking out an electric service panel diagram or contacting someone who has worked in this field before.

We do not recommend making any decisions based on guesswork because it could cause problems down the line if something does not work as expected.

If there are multiple kinds of circuits within your home’s wiring, each should use its own circuit breaker.

  1. Remember That the Magnetic Trip Current Must Supercede the Starting Current

Remember that there is a difference between circuit breakers and overloads.

A circuit breaker’s main purpose is to protect against overloading, but it also plays an important role in starting motors as well as preventing fires.

If you’re plugged into a circuit that has too high of wattage for your needs (overloaded), the circuit breaker will trip before anything dangerous happens – this keeps you safe from any electrical issues.

The same thing goes for motor loads: if they are overloaded, then the speed control device will shut them down so no damage occurs.

However, when using a motor with a magnetic starter or controller, it must be able to handle more current than what would normally flow through its circuit.

This is called the magnetic trip current, and it’s important to make sure that this number is larger than your circuit breaker’s amperage rating (this will be indicated on the side of your new circuit breakers). This ensures you are protected from fire or any other issues associated with electrical overloads.

  1. Calculate the Right Short Circuit Level for Your Circuits

To ensure that your circuit is protected from short circuits, it’s important to calculate the right level of electrical current, according to https://baypower.com/.

This number will be indicated as a percentage on the side of every breaker and may also be labeled as a “short-circuit rating.”

You can find this by multiplying amps (A) times volts (V), then dividing by 1000. The resulting number should not exceed 80% for panel mounted breakers or 70% for plug-in breakers, both are allowable under NEC standards.

Ready to Choose the Right Circuit Breaker?

As you can see, it can be challenging to choose the right circuit breaker. To learn more about this subject, continue reading this blog for more helpful articles.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com