5 Common Invisalign Maintenance Errors and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Invisalign Maintenance Errors and How to Avoid Them

Do you wear Invisalign clear aligners? Are you wondering if you’re making common Invisalign maintenance errors?

The time and money you spend on your Invisalign treatment are often well worth it. You’ll be straightening your teeth without most people knowing and improving your overall oral health at the same time.

Yet many individuals aren’t sure how to clean aligners and are concerned that poor maintenance is impacting their ability to get effective treatment.

Here’s what should be avoided with regular Invisalign maintenance.

  1. Cleaning With Mouthwash

When you’re ready to clean your aligners, you may be tempted to dip them in a little mouthwash. However, the alcohol in this substance can actually break down the plastic in your aligners and make them warped. This will lead to ineffectiveness, as well as making them a lot less comfortable to wear.

Instead, rinse your aligners every night and brush with a soft-bristled brush. Don’t use the same toothbrush you use for your teeth. You can also use a clear, liquid soap to help remove food particles.

It’s important not to use water that’s too hot, as these can also warp the plastic.

  1. Leaving Them In When Eating

It’s important to remove your Invisalign anytime you’re eating or drinking something besides water. Otherwise, the substances will stick to the trays and become very difficult to remove later on.

Make sure you remove your aligners every time you have a meal, snack, or drink. Keep your tray close by if you have a tendency to lose things. This can help you to avoid the fading, discoloration, and staining that happen when your aligners are constantly in contact with food substances.

  1. Not Brushing And Flossing As Usual

Wearing aligners does not, of course, preclude you from keeping up with basic oral hygiene. You should brush after every meal if possible so that food particles don’t get stuck in your teeth.

It’s also important to floss and use mouthwash as you normally would. In addition, you should visit your dental specialists for regular cleanings as usual.

  1. Not Wearing Aligners For The Recommended Amount of Time

Invisalign aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours per day. This is why they are generally only recommended for mature teens and adults.

It’s important not to keep your aligners out of your mouth for too long or to take a day off. This could result in your treatment not being effective.

  1. Cleaning Them With Toothpaste

Cleaning your aligners with toothpaste is another no-no. Many brands are abrasive and can cause discoloration.

Make sure to only use special Invisalign cleaning tools and an unscented soap with no dyes. Ask your dentist for recommendations if you aren’t sure where to find them.

Avoiding Invisalign Maintenance Errors

Choosing Invisalign is an excellent privilege and responsibility. As long as you avoid common Invisalign maintenance errors, you could be on your way to a beautiful smile in no time.

Don’t stop getting smart about your health and lifestyle now. For more great advice, read our blog today.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com