5 reason why employment pass is better than other passes

5 reason why employment pass is better than other passes

Singapore is a country where many foreigners want to work. Aside from its stable economy, the safeness of Singapore makes it very desirable for them to not only work but also live in the country. To be able to work in Singapore, a foreigner must get an employment visa from the Ministry of Manpower. There are many types of work visas in Singapore and the most common of them all is the employment pass Singapore visa.

The E Pass is one of the professional employment visas in Singapore along with the personalized employment pass Singapore visa and the EntrePass. It may have one of the most stringent eligibility criteria but it is one of those that have the most benefits. In this article, we will give you 5 reasons why employment attorneys near me pass are better than other passes.

#1 – You can apply for a Dependent’s Pass

Although most of the work visas will allow the holder to apply for the Dependent’s Pass, they still need to meet stringent conditions. In the case of a personalized employment pass Singapore holder, they don’t have these conditions to meet since it is already met. However, the employment pass Singapore holder has the best chance of meeting the conditions for the Dependent’s Pass.

One of the conditions is that the E Pass holder must be earning at least SG$6,000 to be able to apply for the pass. An employment pass Singapore holder will likely have a salary not less than SG$4,500 at the beginning. With the mandatory annual raise, it will only take a few years for the holder to meet the qualifying salary of the Dependent’s Pass. As a result, the E Pass holder can bring their family to Singapore after a few years of working.

#2 – You can apply for Singapore permanent residency

Aside from the Dependent’s Pass, both the E Pass and the personalized employment pass Singapore holder can apply for permanent residency. This is possible if the candidate has lived and worked in Singapore for more than a year. Also, the PR candidate can bring along their family in their application.

However, there are more conditions that a permanent resident applicant must meet. One of them is economic contributions which will be based on the salary tax. Since the employment pass Singapore visa is a high-paying work visa, they have a higher chance of getting approved compared to an S Pass or a work permit holder.

#3 – You are entitled to a higher salary

As mentioned above, the employment pass Singapore qualifying salary will not be less than SG$4,500. Thus, compared to the other work visas, the E Pass is guaranteed to have a high salary. If the E Pass applicant happens to be 40 years old, they need to be given twice the salary limit as their qualifying salary. Besides, the more years the E Pass holder remains employed in Singapore, the higher the salary will become because of the mandatory increase. Needless to say, being an E Pass holder will guarantee a high salary. It will also increase until the holder will be eligible to get a personalized employment pass Singapore visa or PR status.

#4 – You can buy or rent properties

Another privilege that is easy to obtain as an employment pass Singapore holder is the buying and renting of properties. Most foreigners, including the personalised employment pass Singapore workers, can obtain cheap rent through public house leasing. Although they are only allowed to rent an HDB unit for 18 months, it is still a good housing option. Furthermore, E Pass holders can buy certain properties in Singapore. They can buy a condominium unit or an apartment unit as long as they can pay for it.

#5 – There are no levies and quotas to meet

Unlike the S Pass, there are no levies to pay for the E Pass. A levy is a monthly fee that employers need to pay for keeping foreign workers employed in the company. If the employer can no longer pay the levy, they will have to cancel the S Pass and ask the foreign worker to leave Singapore. However, there is no such fee for the employment pass Singapore visa. Besides, there are also no quotas for the E Pass. A company can have as many E Pass workers as they like as long as they can pay for their salaries.

Find out more about the other work visas in Singapore

Although the employment pass Singapore visa is better than most work visas in Singapore, it is still recommended that you look into the other passes. That is because you may not be eligible for the E Pass and will be a better fit for another pass. Or it can also be that you are overqualified and will be a better candidate for the personalised employment pass Singapore application. To help you with your work visa application, it is best to contact employment visa companies like Ren Ai Group. They are the experts when it comes to employment visas in Singapore. Thus, getting in touch with them will help you a lot in getting an E Pass and even a PEP.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com