6 Dog Arthritis Treatment Options to Know

6 Dog Arthritis Treatment Options to Know

Did you know that one in five dogs suffers from canine arthritis?

It is possible that your dog has arthritis if he or she is slowing down on walks and having problems climbing stairs. In elderly dogs, this condition may cause discomfort in the legs, hips, and back, making ordinary activities difficult. Yet, every dog can respond differently to arthritis medication.

Keep on reading for our full breakdown of six options for dog arthritis treatment that might suit your dog and its needs.

What Is Arthritis in Dogs?

The cartilage surfaces of dogs’ joints continue to shrink as they age, and cartilage cells begin to die off. When cells die, enzymes are released into the body, causing inflammation of the joint capsule and the discharge of an excessive amount of synovial fluids.

Osteophytes, or extra bone growths, may form. The natural joint space narrows and the bone underneath the cartilage deteriorate as a result of significant cartilage thinning.

To compound matters, the dog’s joints begin to malfunction, resulting in a vicious cycle of discomfort, limping, and muscular atrophy due to lack of usage.

Dog Arthritis Treatment Options

Dog arthritis may be treated in a number of ways, as explained by your veterinarian. In the end, what works best for you and your dog will depend on their individual circumstances.

As a result, these are some of the most popular methods for treating canine arthritis.

  1. Diet and Supplements

Even if your dog doesn’t have arthritis, it’s critical that you pay attention to what it eats. Weight control is essential for dogs with arthritis. The body and joints of your dog are put under additional stress when it is overweight.

Your veterinarian can help you choose activities that are safe and acceptable for your pet even if the arthritis is severe. You may also keep an eye on what he eats.

Make certain your dog is eating the proper food and that it is providing him with all the nutrients he needs. Your dog’s arthritis may benefit from prescription meals offered by veterinarians. A natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, or Omega fatty acid content is common in these foods.

Consider taking glucosamine pills or a glucosamine-rich dietary supplement, as well. If you’re looking to build up your cartilage and keep it that way, sulfates like these are what you need.

But, keep in mind that glucosamine and chondroitin research has been inconsistent. While some have shown a positive impact on arthritic pain, others have not.

  1. Arthritis Medicine for Dogs

Whether your dog is suffering from arthritic discomfort, your vet may do a blood test to see if he or she may prescribe medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

If your dog is a good candidate, your vet will work with you to determine the proper dose and method of administration. Human NSAIDs, such as Ibuprofen and naproxen, are poisonous to dogs and should never be given to them as a pain reliever. Remember that.

  1. Pet CBD Oil Treatment for Arthritis

Dog arthritis therapy with CBD oil has grown in popularity in recent years. Just to sum it up, cannabidiol (CBD) is a substance found in marijuana and hemp that may be useful in treating a wide range of ailments in people and dogs alike.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD oil helps alleviate the discomfort of arthritis in dogs.

It is also challenging for veterinarians to approve CBD oil usage since there is no way to anticipate purity, concentration, effectiveness, possible benefits, or unwanted effects. There is no scientific evidence to support the use of CBD oil for canine arthritis or any other condition at this time, despite the fact that more research is being done on the subject.

It’s always best to consult your veterinarian before using CBD oil for any medical purpose. And, you should aim for a high-quality product, so you should shop for pet CBD here.

  1. Physical and Alternative Therapies

Arthritis treatment options for dogs include a variety of therapies as well as drugs and dietary supplements. As previously said, physical treatment for dogs with arthritis may be incredibly useful, as can suitable types of regular exercise. Hydrotherapy, often known as water therapy, is beneficial to many pet owners.

Acupuncture and other holistic treatments may also be helpful. Other therapeutic options for canine arthritis include acupressure and tailored pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.

  1. Stem Cell Therapy

A novel therapeutic option for canine joint disorders is stem cell therapy.

This therapy, which is still in the testing stage, may be an alternative for your arthritic dog. Find out whether stem cell treatment is an option for your pet by consulting with a veterinary specialist.

  1. Surgical Intervention

Surgical intervention may be considered in circumstances when traditional and alternative medical techniques of treatment have failed.

Your dog’s size and activity level, joint type, and more all go into determining the sort of surgery required. surgical alternatives include:

  • Replacement of all of the joints;
  • Femoral head removal, which is the part of the thigh bone that fits into the hip socket;
  • Arthroscopic surgery (fusing damaged joints)

Reconstructive procedures to address congenital defects and stabilize the joint may be indicated in certain circumstances, although they are best successful in young pups before too much arthritis has set in.

Pain Relief for Arthritis: The Dog Edition

All dogs that suffer from arthritis will need a form of pain relief and treatment.

Pain relief and greater range of motion and strength are the primary goals of a dog arthritis treatment. Using more than one kind of therapy at the same time usually leads to better pain management with fewer side effects. We hope that our guide on six different treatments has shed some light on your treatment options.

Next step, you’ll want to head to our pet section for more tips on physical therapies for your dog.


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