6 Easy to grow Houseplants that Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

6 Easy to grow Houseplants that Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

With people focusing on the interiors more than before, there is an incorporation of houseplants as decorating elements for the room, namely, Purple House Plants. However, determining the type of houseplants is always considered based on the effort needed for maintenance and their overall outlook appearance. However, considering these facts may make people forget an important aspect: the health benefits from the presence of the plant.

However, the selection of the houseplant after considering all these three factors can become a little tricky. The following lists consist of six of the easy to grow houseplants that have the potentiality to improve your health and wellbeing.

  • Lavender

One of the gentlest aromas of dawning plants can be said about lavender. Lavenders are those purple house plants that are flowering plants that emit a sweet and pleasant scent. This plant is mainly known for its uses in aromatherapy which results in relieving stress. However, this plant is considered an essential source for the process of making various wellness products. This plant, however, requires lots of sunlight and well-drained soil. Therefore, it is advised to water the plant when the soil is dry to prevent overwatering.

Placing a Lavender in the room should also be planned because of the different types of health benefits it renders depending on placement. For example, A lavender plant placed in the bedroom enables peaceful and uninterrupted sleep for the people in that room. In addition, this plant is instrumental in easing symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

  • English Ivy

The English Ivy is one of those houseplants known for their health benefits and look, which can also be modified into the desired color by introducing specific experiments. This plant purifies up to 94% of airborne mold particles. It is responsible for removing various allergies and diseases. However, this type of plant has been one of the rising ones among Purple House Plants.

This plant has been reported to ease breathing in people who have asthma or trouble breathing at night. Just like lavender, this too is a fantastic houseplant to be kept in the bedroom because this too is said to improve sleeping conditions for people in that room. However, this plant is poisonous and should be kept out of the reach of children at all times. This plant thrives in fluorescent light and not under direct sunlight.

  • Spider Plants

Spider plants are known for their capability of removing formaldehyde from the air, which is airborne, as well as from the different types of elements in the house made of paper, synthetic fibers, and others. Moreover, this plant is also known to attach toxic elements in the air and carbon monoxide resulting in a much-purified air to be breathed in.

This plant requires essential maintenance and thrives if kept away from direct sunlight. This plant is known to grow in any soil and requires to be watered occasionally. The soil needs to be moist for the plant to thrive and grow. Due to the advancement in botany, this plant, too, after specific basic experiments, can be welcomed into the purple house plants family.

  • Peace Lily

Peace Lily, by default, with its full blooming pleasant white color, serves as a visually pleasing element in the interior, mainly during the tiring summertime. However, this plant has various benefits other than this being eye-candy for summertime. This beautiful houseplant is instrumental in removing air pollutants roaming around the room. This plant is excellent at absorbing xylene, benzene, ammonia, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

This is also a flowering plant that produces a flower-like smell and pollens. This might create problems for people with allergies related to these pollens that tend to fly around the house and are invisible to the naked eye. However, with some basic experiments to regulate the color, being white, Peace Lily can be easily made into one of the best of the Purple House Plants.

  • Rosemary

Rosemary is that herb and a house plant that has been an integral part of traditional medicine as it contains various types of properties that improve memory and concentration. Various types of tests repeatedly show that people who had been exposed to this herb in any way have a better critical thinking capability. In addition, this herb is said to increase the number of neurotransmitters called acetylcholine. This plant needs bright sunlight and should be checked for overwatering and getting pruned as soon as flowers start showing up. This type of houseplant is, however, not part of the Purple House Plants family.

  • Aloe vera

Considered one of the most beneficial and most versatile flora, Aloe vera possesses various health benefits. It can be used as a topical as well as an edible. Like the one above, this type of house plant is not a part of the Purple House Plants family but has various health benefits nonetheless.

This plant has been used repeatedly in traditional medicine to treat irritation on the skin and treat inflammation. This plant thrives well under sunlight but turns yellow when overexposed. So, it is advised to keep them in indirect sunlight.

The above list would be beneficial in choosing the appropriate house plant keeping the preferences in mind. Houseplants have repeatedly proven that their presence elevates the lifestyle and wellness of people living around them.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com