8 Ways to Make Your Home Seem Bigger and Brighter

8 Ways to Make Your Home Seem Bigger and Brighter

It’s hard to find a home with enough space for all the family. If you’re struggling with cramped, busy spaces, there are a few ways to make your home seem bigger and brighter without expensive home renovation! With the eight ways we’ve uncovered below, it has never been easier to make your home seem bigger and brighter: full of liveable, light and airy space.

Place your mirrors strategically

You might already know that mirrors can enhance the ‘visible’ space of a room, but there’s a handy method to their placement! Your mirrors should be placed around a room to reflect as much light as possible – for example, opposite windows or doors. Mirrors of various sizes can be used to create bright, visual interest.

Invest in pendant lighting

Most often seen in a dining room, pendant ceiling bars are a wise investment for opening up a space. Their delicate, overhanging nature ensures light is dispersed across a wide area, and their beautiful design draws a guest’s attention to the centre of a room – this makes your space appear much, much bigger!

Rearrange the furniture

Furniture can be more of a visual obstruction to space and light than we realise. The most simple of furniture rearrangements can work wonders. Move sofas and other heavy furniture pieces away from windows and open doorways, and allow light to stream into your room unobscured.

Clean the windows

Cleaning the windows is a simple solution to limited, dull space that’s too often overlooked. Dirty windows can block sunlight from making its way into your home, darkening your space. A quick clean with some white vinegar and water can make an immediate difference!

Get rid of clutter

The fewer objects in a room, the bigger and brighter it will look! Clutter can stifle an otherwise beautiful space, and sometimes it’s better to ‘spring clean’ and get rid of clutter completely. If you can’t bear to part with your clutter, move them into roomier spaces with more windows. You don’t have to be a minimalist, but it’s better to be choosy on the décor and ornamental items you fill your home with.

Forget about heavy curtains

Heavy curtains, and dark weighted fabrics in general, can really ‘cramp’ up a space, and impede the flow of natural light. Ditch heavy curtains for lighter, sheer and flowy fabrics. These offer privacy, but also substantial amounts of sunlight.

Use paint wisely

A coat of light, neutral-coloured paint works well to open up and brighten a space. Light colours visually expand small spaces, as they ‘visually recede’! Cooler-toned walls also serve this purpose: the human eye is drawn toward light spaces and sees them as though they lack a visual limit, resulting in a spacious appearance and a brighter home!

Focus on foliage

Although technically outside the home, low-hanging branches and overgrown shrubs prevent so much light from entering the home. Trimming them back – even a little! – can restore your view of the great outdoors, and enhance the light, airy spaciousness of your home.

With these 8 ideas, you are sure to be able to make your home seem bigger and brighter. Ultimately, the route you go down depends on your personal needs, desires, requirements, and aesthetics.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com