Home Décor: 6 Tips To Create The Perfect Living Space

Home Décor: 6 Tips To Create The Perfect Living Space

Whether you’ve moved into a new place or you’re simply remodeling your current one, making your home comfier can be quite an exhilarating experience. There are a lot of things to consider and ways to go about the entire process of redecoration. And if you’re a bit indecisive about choices, you could end up with an ugly mess, a headache, and lots of money flushed down the drain.

Fortunately, we have a few tips that just might make a few things easier for you in the process of making your humble abode the perfect living space. If you plan on dishing out some money, it would be nice to create a budget to avoid spending too much money. Rest assured, some of these tips won’t require you to spend a fortune. So let’s begin, shall we?


It goes without saying: organization is key!

In the process of redecorating your home, you’ll come across many old things that take up a lot of space. Obviously, not all such items are keepsakes. Hence, you must organize your belongings before bringing in any new items to add to your reimagined home. Separate the things you don’t use often or at all, and decide what to do with them. You might be able to sell some stuff online or just dispose of it. But if you’re unsure what to do with the selected items, consider renting storage space for safekeeping. Not sure how to go about that either? Fire up Google and look for places nearby. For instance, if you live in Okaloosa County, Florida, search for ‘Niceville storage units near me.’ Do the same for any city/state you live in. You can rent out a self-storage unit at a reasonable monthly payment until you decide what to do with the stored items.

Usually, this process requires a neutral set of eyes since you become used to seeing the clutter every day and can’t decide for yourself. Hiring an organizer can help you objectively weed out the useless stuff from your life and make your house more minimalistic. You can then focus on other aspects of creating a more livable space.

Enhance the entrance

First impressions are long-lasting. And what better way to cement an impeccable first impression for your home than by fixing the entrance?

The entrance to your house is the first thing anybody will notice when they come over. Therefore, it’s always good to work on improving it. Start by deciding on an eye-catching color scheme that complements your surroundings. Each color has a different story to tell, so choose wisely. However, ensure it matches the color of any natural wood elements and the doors and windows. You might also want to re-do the driveway and walkways to enhance the curb appeal. A few plants on the deck can improve the overall look. And stylish light fixtures on your entrance stand out during the evening.

Touch up the walls

Before you decide on fall furnishings, first select the color scheme you want to use. Opting for neutral shades is a safe bet. Shades such as beige and off-white work well with a wide variety of furniture options and other furnishings. But you can always add a pop of color to avoid monotony. For your private spaces, such as the Best Bedspread For Your Home, you can choose more vivid colors to match your personality.

Once you’ve decided on the color scheme, start picking out options for paint or wallpaper. The latter of the two provides you with more room to get creative.

Rearrange the furniture

When you have an open space to decorate, the possibilities seem endless. It may become very confusing, especially how and where to larger pieces. But worry not. You can simplify the confusion by following some ground rules.

Create a focal point: Once you identify the focal point of your living space, it becomes much easier to position the rest of your furniture. In some homes, the fireplace makes for an attractive focal point. So place your sofas and chairs around it. If you have to make one, use an LCD or piece of art.

Use rugs: Rugs help to enhance your chosen color scheme and also highlight your furniture. They’re also able to hide any imperfections on your floor so place them smartly. Starting your decoration with rug placement and color scheme can make redecorating your place reasonably simple. If you don’t want them to displace often, anchor them under the furniture’s feet.

Orientation: Furniture orientation, especially for sofas, should create a natural directional flow. Position them in such a way so that people face each other.

Adjust the lighting

Lighting is essential for creating the perfect ambiance for your home. There are three types of lighting: ambient, accent, and task lighting. Ambient lighting helps illuminate your living space evenly. With accent lighting, you can highlight certain features of your room. Task lighting is usually much brighter than the other two and focuses on a particular spot. So, depending on the overall impact you want, use a combination of all three.

Also, using mirrors can be very effective in illuminating the room evenly, especially if there’s more natural light flowing through the windows. Consider adding a few ornamental mirrors to refract and reflect rays smartly

Choose lovely artwork for the walls

Artwork on the walls adds character to your living space. So invest in some good paintings to add to your walls. Or, if you’re a crafty person yourself, create some stunning pieces for your home. You can also use the colors to balance out the rest of the room’s color scheme.


Your home’s décor is an extension of your personality. If you want to add more charm to it, consider redecorating the place. Start by decluttering and organizing your belongings. You can rent storage space if need be. Create a welcoming appeal by working on the entrance. You can play with the color scheme, furniture layout, lighting, and walls to personalize it according to your taste.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com