A Beginners Cheat Sheet to Growing Cannabis

A Beginners Cheat Sheet to Growing Cannabis

If you’re new to growing cannabis, check out this cheat sheet for everything you need to know about growing the highest quality cannabis..

Did you know that 18% of Americans smoke marijuana on a regular basis? That’s a lot of people interested in the benefits that cannabis provides.

And the only thing better than smoking marijuana is getting marijuana for free. Yes, you can get it for free if you learn how to grow it yourself.

So long as you’re in a state where using and cultivating your own marijuana is legal, you can start growing cannabis indoors, or out in your yard, right now.

It’s not especially difficult to grow cannabis. But there is a specific process you need to follow, specific rules to abide by, and certain tools you’ll want to have in your arsenal.

Keep reading our cheat sheet down below for some tips on growing your own green gold.

Pick the Right Plants

Cannabis plants come in two main distinctions. You need to select the right type for your specific goals.

You can buy regular cannabis plants, which have THC. These are the plants that produce smokeable marijuana that will get you high.

Or you can grow hemp, which is the same plant, but without the THC. Hemp plants, without THC, are plants used to produce CBD. CBD, so long as it comes from hemp, is federally legal, unlike marijuana (at the moment).

If you’re looking to smoke weed from your own garden, it would be a big bummer if you harvested bud without any THC in it.

Choose the Right Location

Next up, choose the right location for your plants. If you live in a mild climate, such as California, growing outdoors is ideal. Most experts agree that outdoor grown plants produce higher-quality marijuana, as it gets natural sunlight, fresh air, and rich nutrients from the soil.

But if you live somewhere with harsh weather, like Michigan, you’d be better off growing indoors. Then you can grow year-round.

Growing indoors requires a bit more equipment and a bit more monitoring to ensure your plants are getting what they need, but it’s with the effort to avoid the snowy season.

Buy the Right Gear

There are quite a few things you’re going to need, especially if growing indoors. You’ll want to get grow lights with LED bulbs that can run for around 18 hours a day.

You’ll want some small trays to help germinate your seeds before transferring them to individual pots.

You’ll want to pick up some nutrient-rich soil, as well as soil additives to feed the plants during the early growth phases.

And as your plants are growing, you’ll want a cannabis tester so you can be testing water in cannabis on a regular basis. This helps you understand when there’s too much moisture in the plants, which can lead to the growth of mold and other microorganisms that are harmful to the plants.

Growing Cannabis: Step by Step

With all of these decisions made, growing cannabis is simply a matter of following the basic steps of taking a plant from seed to mature plant. As long as you have all of the necessities in place, the growing process is quite simple to manage.

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