Acso Of Texas

Acso Of Texas

The ACSO, nestled in the heart of South Texas, serves the residents of Atascosa County with dedication and professionalism. Led by Sheriff David Soward .This office embodies the ethos of community policing. Striving not just to enforce the law but to build trust and rapport with the people it serves.

At the core of ACSO’s mission lies a commitment to fostering safer communities through proactive engagement. Community involvement is not merely a catchphrase but a guiding principle. Deputies actively participate in community events, educational programs, and outreach initiatives, forging strong ties and fostering a sense of unity between law enforcement and civilians.

Furthermore, ACSO places a significant emphasis on innovation and modernization within law enforcement practices. By leveraging technological advancements and implementing progressive strategies, the agency continually evolves to better serve and protect its constituents. From utilizing data analytics for predictive policing to enhancing communication channels with the public through social media. ACSO embraces innovation as a means to enhance public safety.

However, the landscape of law enforcement in Texas. Much like in the rest of the United States, is not devoid of challenges. Issues such as racial disparities, strained community relations, and mental health crises intersect within the realms of law enforcement and criminal justice. ACSO acknowledges these challenges and remains committed to addressing them head-on.

Sheriff Soward and his team understand the importance of fostering trust and inclusivity. They have implemented training programs aimed at cultural sensitivity, de-escalation techniques, and crisis intervention, recognizing that effective law enforcement goes beyond enforcement—it involves empathy, understanding, and a commitment to fair treatment for all.

Moreover, ACSO actively engages in discussions surrounding criminal justice reform. By collaborating with community leaders, advocacy groups, and policymakers, the agency contributes its insights and experiences to larger conversations about reforming the system to be more equitable, just, and effective.

Transparency and accountability are integral components of ACSO’s operations. The agency remains open to feedback from the public and continually seeks ways to improve its practices. Through community forums, town hall meetings, and constructive dialogue, ACSO fosters an environment where community input shapes its policies and initiatives.


The Atascosa County Sheriff’s Office of Texas stands as a beacon of dedication, progress, and service. By prioritizing community engagement, embracing innovation, and advocating for inclusivity and reform, ACSO demonstrates its commitment to not only upholding the law but also fostering safer, more cohesive communities for all residents of Atascosa County.
