Busting the myths around vaping

Busting the myths around vaping

Electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) are battery-powered devices that heat liquid nicotine, creating a vapour that is inhaled. The liquid contains some chemicals, but it’s far less harmful than the smoke produced by burning tobacco leaves rolled in paper and smoked through a plastic filter. E-cigarettes were designed and promoted by brands like RELX Australia to help smokers quit or reduce their intake of nicotine without giving up the act of smoking itself.

E-cigarettes contain chemical ingredients

Most e-cigarettes contain chemicals such as nicotine and propylene glycol, which are absorbed into your body when you inhale the vapour. Some studies have found that these chemicals can irritate your airways and lungs, but they’re typically less harmful than those in traditional cigarettes.

The emissions from e-cigarettes also don’t contain tar, one of the most harmful components of tobacco smoke (which gives it its characteristic brown colour). Likewise, they generally produce fewer carcinogens and toxins from burning tobacco products or other plants.

Nicotine is highly addictive

While nicotine is highly addictive, it isn’t directly responsible for cancer, lung disease and heart disease that kill hundreds of thousands of people yearly.

For example, Tobacco smoke contains many harmful chemicals besides nicotine. It also contains carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas), tar (a sticky substance) and gases including hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. These compounds cause most of the diseases associated with smoking traditional cigarettes.

It should be noted that the emissions from e-cigarettes are not entirely harmless, but they are far less harmful than the highly toxic smoke produced by burning tobacco leaves.

Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes is also far less harmful than second-hand smoke from traditional cigarettes.

What is the appeal of vaping?

Vaping is inhaling and exhaling the vapour produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. The most dangerous thing about vaping is that it can encourage people to take up smoking tobacco products. Which are more harmful to your health in every way.

However, suppose you’re trying to quit smoking with vaping as a transitional step and not as a permanent replacement for traditional cigarettes. In that case, some benefits are associated with switching over once in a while.

Health concerns about e-cigarettes

While it’s true that e-cigarettes contain chemicals, most of the health concerns about them have been focused on. The ingredients used to create the vapour, which is inhaled along with nicotine. There are currently no long-term studies on these chemicals or their effects on human health, as researched by companies like RELX Australia. The bottom line is while they may be less harmful than traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes can still cause serious side effects. If you’re allergic to any of the substances inside them (like propylene glycol).

 Is vaping helpful in quitting cigarettes?

According to one study, 75% of people who use e-cigarettes do so intending to quit smoking altogether. In contrast, another study found that young people. Who use e-cigarettes are likelier to try quitting tobacco than their peers who don’t vape.

This is because electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes. They contain fewer toxic chemicals, no tar and much lower levels of carcinogens such as formaldehyde and benzene. For this reason, many healthcare professionals believe they can play an essential role in helping smokers quit the habit altogether.

Even though vaping is not entirely safe, it is less dangerous than smoking. And if you’re a smoker, you should consider switching from regular cigarettes to electronic ones.


In conclusion, e-cigarettes are a viable alternative to traditional cigarettes. While they may not be completely harmless, they are less harmful than tobacco products.

Sonia Awan