Complete Guide to Gravity Bongs and How to Use Them 

Complete Guide to Gravity Bongs and How to Use Them 

Gravity bongs are a popular smoking device that uses gravity to pull smoke through the water and into the chamber. This post will teach you things you need to know about using a gravity bong, from making one to how to smoke from it.

The article will also cover some of the benefits of using it. So whether you’re a first-time smoker or an experienced cannabis enthusiast, read on for all you need to know more about it.

1) What is a Gravity Bong?

Weed and marijuana are in huge demand these days. Recreational marijuana sales witnessed a 159 percent growth in California amidst the pandemic.

A gravity bong is a cannabis smoking device that uses water and gravity to help you smoke weed. The essential components are a bowl, a bottle, and a downstem.

The bowl is placed on top of the bottle, filled with water. The weed is placed in the bowl and lit. As you inhale, the water in the bottle is forced up the stem and into the bowl. It forces the smoke into your lungs.

This type is a great option if you’re looking to save weed or get the most out of your stash.

2) What Are The Types?

There are three types: the bucket, the waterfall, and the vacuum.

The bucket is probably the most well-known type of gravity bong. To use a bucket type, you’ll need a few things: a bucket, a bowl or bong, and something to seal the bottom of the bucket (like aluminum foil).

The waterfall bong is similar to the bucket one, but you’ll use a bottle instead of a bowl. These are an ideal option for those who want to make a gravity bong but don’t have the necessary materials.

The vacuum bong is the most complex type of gravity one. It requires two containers, one sealed at the bottom and one with a hole in the bottom. You’ll also need to use a bowl with this method.

3) How Does It Work?

Here are the basic steps:

-Fill a bucket with water. The water should be higher to submerge at least half of the bottle when placed upside down in the bucket.

-Place the bottle in the water, open side up.

-Pack your bowl and place it on top of the bottle.

-Light your bowl and slowly lift the bottle out of the water.

-As the bottle fills with smoke, gravity will pull the smoke down into the water.

-Once the bowl is finished, unscrew the cap and place your mouth over the bottle’s opening.

-Inhale deeply as you lift the bottle out of the water. The pressure created by the water will push the smoke into your lungs.

These types are a great way to get a lot of smoke without using a lot of weed. They’re perfect for when you want to get super stoned, fast. Just be careful not to take too big of a hit, or you’ll cough.

4) How to Smoke from It?

Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of your experience:

-Pack your bowl tightly. It will help ensure a smooth, even burn.

-Slowly pull the bowl while the bottle is filling with water. If you pull too fast, you’ll risk losing some smoke.

-Once the bottle is full, carefully place your mouth over the top and inhale.

-Be prepared for a big hit. They deliver a lot of smoke in one go, so take it slow at first if you’re new to them.

5) What are the Right Materials?

The best materials are durable and can withstand high temperatures. Glass is the most popular material for gravity bongs. It is easy to clean and does not absorb flavors from the smoke. However, plastic and metal are also popular choices.

When choosing a material, it is essential to consider how easy it is to clean. These bongs can get very dirty, so a material that is easy to clean is essential. Glass is the easiest material to clean, while plastic and metal can be more difficult.

It is also essential to consider the material’s heat resistance you choose. Glass is a good choice for this, as it does not melt at high temperatures.

Final Thoughts

Gravity bongs are a great way to consume cannabis if you want to get high, really fast. They are a lot of fun to use and can be a great conversation starter at parties. Try these devices if you’re looking for a new way to consume cannabis.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.