Debunking the Latest and Best Cheese Myths That Exist Today

Debunking the Latest and Best Cheese Myths That Exist Today

Did you know that the average American eats 35 pounds of cheese each year?

Whether it’s sprinkled on a pizza, squirted from a can, or cut straight from the block, our national appetite for the best cheese products is insatiable. But, for a product that’s so popular, there’s still a lot the average person doesn’t know about cheese.

We’ve put together this guide to cut through the hearsay and give you a mature view of the various types of cheese myths that exist today.

Read on for everything you need to know about these cheese and dairy industry myths.

Cheese Gives You Nightmares

If you’ve ever eaten a piece of delicious cheese as a late-night snack, you’ve probably had somebody tell you it causes nightmares.

There’s no proof that eating cheese will give you nightmares or summon horrors in your dreams.

While not precisely a scientific study, a British Cheese Board poll discovered that different varieties of cheese gave people different dreams. However, none of them reported any cheese-related night terrors.

Cheese Only Works With Wine

Many people are under the illusion that cheese should only be paired with wine. However, you can enjoy your favorite types of cheese with a variety of different beverages.

There are hundreds of cheese flavors out there. While some – like Gruyere – taste delicious with a dry red wine, mature cheddars, ripe Stiltons, and baby Swiss are all excellent with a quality craft beer.

Get creative with your cheese and beverage pairings. Finding delicious combinations is all about experimentation.

Lactose Intolerant People Can’t Eat Cheese

You may assume that cheese is totally off the menu for people with lactose intolerance. In fact, there are many types of cheese and cheese alternatives that can be enjoyed without the risk of an adverse reaction.

Hard cheeses like parmesan and Emmental are naturally lower in lactose, so they can be enjoyed in moderate quantities by those with lactose intolerance.

Alternatively, the dairy industry has taken great strides in developing delicious cheese with no lactose, allowing consumers to enjoy all their favorite cheese flavors without risking a reaction.

You Can’t Make Cheese at Home

You can’t make good cheese at home, right? Wrong! While the cheesemaking process may seem complicated and intimidating, rest assured that people were making cheese at home for many years before it was mass-produced.

Cheesemaking is a fun hobby that provides you with a cheap, artisan source of your favorite foodstuff.

These days, it’s easier than ever to create your own delicious cheese. Check out these cheese moulds for an easy-to-use home cheesemaking tool.

The Best Cheese Myths Debunked

If you’ve come this far, you’re probably craving a pizza or a cheesesteak by now. We won’t keep you.

But, with this knowledge in hand, you can enjoy your next delicious cheese snack, safe in the knowledge that you know the real deal behind the most common and best cheese myths.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.