Fighting Epidemics Of Scale-Like The COVID-19 Pandemic Together As A Society

Fighting Epidemics Of Scale-Like The COVID-19 Pandemic Together As A Society


The most available mode for healthcare among the disadvantaged section of American society is the CHC or Community Health Centers. They mainly involve providing primary health care and limited public health services with restricted federal funding. The main target is to make healthcare available to all communities and make it a fundamental right for Americans. But in precarious times like the one we live in, connecting communities of care is of the essence.

How To Amplify The Presence Of Healthcare Providers And Reach Out More To Those In Need?

By connecting communities of care, better coordination between the various medical and community-based resources can deliver outstanding care. During a pandemic as grave as the one we are facing, it is crucial to pool together all the help and mobilize them appropriately to cater to the needs of the under-served and more vulnerable communities.

What are the Connected Communities of Care (CCC) model?

Connected Communities of Care is a social determinant of a health-based framework developed to define a local system consisting of healthcare services entities, community-based organizations, philanthropic bodies, and officials of the local municipality to improve the quality of services rendered throughout the clinical and non-clinical scope of services.

In case of any natural disaster like tornadoes or a health scare/epidemic of scale/pandemic like the Covid 19. The rising strategy to tackle multiple crises, the CCC model, has proved to be very effective. As the name suggests, this model involves integrating various sectors of service, majorly from the orientation of healthcare. 

How does it work? 

The CCC model involves using health data analytics to specify a target area or community affected by a disease or a crisis. Based on that data, targeted communications are done so that better containment measures may be taken.

The most vital part of the CCC approach is

  • Bringing together the Healthcare system,
  • Large Social Service organizations,
  • Different food banks,
  • Ample food supply,
  • Homeless shelter resources, and
  • Different vendors of Public transport. This integrative approach is the key to building a quick response in specific areas. These CCC models mostly have a big Philanthropist Organization at the center of operations.

Benefits of the CCC model:

During times of crisis, the integration of different resources is essential to overcome the obstacle ahead. Herein lies the essence of the benefits that the CCC framework has to offer to our communities. These models may be beneficial in more than one respect, such as: 

  • Using cutting-edge data analytics to tackle pandemic or disaster situations in a better way by integrating a much more responsive healthcare facility.
  • Collaborative nature of work, ensuring societal involvement in pandemic or disaster management.
  • Reaching out to the neediest sections of society, including the low-income groups, homeless population, the elderly, especially-abled, and the veterans.
  • Generating rich data and meaningful insights about the viral pattern pandemic and the conditions of the affected individuals.
  • Helping communities develop better COVID-19 vaccination strategies with effective and efficient mechanisms to distribute information about the best medical practices.
  • Assisting patients to recover from COVID-19 with increasing their access to medical and community-based resources.


In the history of the medical discourse, 2020 will always be an unforgettable year that will be remembered for the COVID-19 pandemic and the unflinching heroism of the other caregiving communities. By connecting communities of care throughout the local ecosystem, the CCC model has taken a massive stride in the path towards the victory of humanity over coronavirus.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.