Four Important Questions to ask a Flooring Contractor

Four Important Questions to ask a Flooring Contractor

You have made a vital decision that you want to get vinyl floors or get your current ones sanded or scrubbed. You can do it well only when you hire the right contractor for the said jobs. It is not a herculean task to hire a contractor, as the internet has made our thing much easier. But you have to interview the shortlisted contractors to seek appropriate responses from them,

Based on these answers, you can evaluate the contractors’ capabilities and finalize an expert for your floor work. Here are the questions!

1. Do you have a valid license and sufficient insurance coverage to carry out the flooring work?

It could be simple floor scrubbing or floor sanding; you need to find a contractor who has a legal and valid license. As flooring work is complicated and can lead to financial mishaps, the contractor should come with insurance coverage. In this way, you will be safe and secure.

2. Can you provide references for further evaluation?

The internet has certainly made our job easy as you can easily check out the reviews and ratings of the flooring contractors online. But it could be misleading, or sometimes, you might need further clarification. So, you can ask for real-time references of previous clients whose work can be checked in-person. If you have time issues and cannot personally visit the sites, you can at least call the clients and ask about the experience. Yes, the response will not be biased and will give you a clear idea of whether you should be hiring that contractor or not.

3. Are there any hidden costs?

When you ask for an estimate from the contractor, make it clear. Ask for a detailed quote to analyze the exact material and labour costs. Moreover, you can go through the quote and seek confirmation regarding any hidden costs. You can even ask him what could go wrong during the flooring work, and if he is a reliable floor sander in auckland, he will not refrain from telling the truth.

4. How much time will the flooring work take?

When it comes to floor renovation, time is a crucial aspect. You might have other tiny jobs lined up, or you might have a specific timeline for it. Ask the contractor when the project will start and end, as both the timings are critical for you to prepare for the work. Please note that it takes considerable time for the floors to dry and seek double-coats, and hurrying up is not advisable.

In a nutshell, as you ask these relevant and in-depth questions, you can gauge the contractor’s ability to complete the flooring project effortlessly. With the answers, you can plan appropriately for the flooring project.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.