How Do House Solar Panels Work?

How Do House Solar Panels Work?

Did you know the discovery of the photovoltaic effect was in 1839 by a man named Edmond Becquerel? You may be wondering why this is important. This discovery eventually led to the invention of the solar panel.

If you have solar panels or are thinking about installing them, you’re probably wondering “how do house solar panels work.” Well, you’ve come to the right place.

We are going to tell you everything you need to know about how solar panels convert sunlight into energy to save you money.

What Are Solar Cells?

To understand what solar panels are you must know what a solar cell is. Solar cells are often made of silicon. Unlike batteries, they don’t require a chemical reaction to work.

However, much like a battery, they have positive and negative sides. The cells are arranged side by side in a glass casing. These cases or panels have properties that protect them from outside properties such as weather.

Energy Generation

When sunlight hits the solar panels, they begin to absorb the energy. The cells’ electrons begin to move the direct current (DC) energy.

When the electrons move, they go to the inverter, which converts the DC into alternating current (AC) energy. After that, the AC moves from the inverter to the breaker box in your home.

Now you may be wondering where the energy goes if you don’t use it. It could be stored for a later time or returned. This can potentially mean a tax credit for you.

The Effects of Weather

A common question people ask is “how do house solar panels work in different types of weather.” This is a great question, and the answer might surprise you.

While the perfect weather condition is clear skies, cooler weather is typically better. In intense heat, panels produce less energy.

However, if you live in an area that has but winter and summer months, you won’t necessarily get more energy from the panels in the winter. Summer months have longer days and fewer clouds, so you’ll still likely get more solar energy.

Click here to find out if your solar panels will work in the climate you live in.

Benefits and Costs

Besides being eco-friendly, there are many other benefits that come with installing solar panels. You can save money on your electric bill and they are low maintenance.

However, if you’re panels stop working or never reach their full potential, you may need to make sure they aren’t damaged. Be sure to notice if you have any trees that are blocking the sun. The solar panels won’t work well if your neighbor’s house is shading them for the majority of the day.

The price for installing solar panels can be wide. It’s all dependent on which type of panels you get and how many you need. The government offers incentives for people who install home solar panels.

How Do House Solar Panels Work?

Now that you know the answer to “how do house solar panels work,” it’s time to invest. You can feel safe and comfortable purchasing and installing them.

We hope you found this article helpful. Keep browsing our page for more home and business products.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.