How to Block Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service

How to Block Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service

Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service (GSIS) is designed to help you verify the authenticity of Adobe products. While this service can be useful for some people, there are those that may wish to block it due to privacy concerns or other reasons. This article will provide the necessary steps to block Adobe’s GSIS and ensure your privacy is respected.

Overview of Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service

Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service (GSIS) is a cloud-based service that enables users to verify the authenticity of Adobe products. Adobe GSIS verifies the authenticity of Adobe software, applications, and services in two ways. First, Adobe GSIS queries the Adobe Genuine database to determine if the product is genuine. Second, Adobe GSIS can detect unauthorized copies of Adobe products, commonly known as “pirated” software. If a pirated product is detected, Adobe GSIS will alert the user and prompt them to purchase a genuine copy.

Reasons to Block Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service

Although Adobe GSIS can be a useful service, there are some users that may want to block it. Some potential reasons to block Adobe GSIS include the following:

-Privacy concerns: Some users may not want Adobe to track their usage of Adobe products.

-Security risks: Blocking Adobe GSIS can help protect against malicious software that may be embedded in pirated Adobe products.

-Performance issues: Blocking Adobe GSIS can help improve system performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent to Adobe.

Steps to Block Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service

If you would like to block Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service, you can do so by following the steps below:

-Open your web browser and navigate to the Adobe website.

-Log in to your Adobe account.

-Navigate to the Genuine Software Integrity Service page.

-Click on the “Disable Genuine Software Integrity Service” button.

-Read the confirmation message and click “OK” to confirm the action.

Once the action is confirmed, Adobe GSIS will be disabled and you will no longer be tracked by Adobe. Please note that if you wish to enable Adobe GSIS in the future, you can do so by following the steps above and clicking the “Enable Genuine Software Integrity Service” button instead.


Blocking Adobe’s Genuine Software Integrity Service can be a good way to protect your privacy and ensure your data is not tracked by Adobe. If you wish to block Adobe GSIS, you can do so by following the steps outlined in this article. However, please note that blocking Adobe GSIS may cause some performance issues and may not be suitable for all users. Therefore, it is recommended that you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of blocking Adobe GSIS before taking any action.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.