How to choose the best espresso maker

The espresso maker is a device that uses a pump to force hot water through finely-ground coffee beans, which extracts the caffeine and flavor molecules into the water. Espresso is made by forcing the hot water, around 135 degrees Fahrenheit, under pressure through espresso shots of ground coffee at less than 200 pounds per square inch and usually in less than 30 seconds. There are several types of espresso makers available today. The best espresso maker should be able to brew an excellent shot of espresso every time with little to no effort on your part. It is one of those products that you don’t actually need instructions to operate since they usually work in principle.

How to choose the best espresso maker

  1. Espresso machine dimensions:

Most types of espresso machines will fit in the electric space you want them to. The only problem is that they usually don’t fit in a cabinet at the same time. However, today’s modern coffee centers are designed to hold two or more machines with the right space. So, for those with limited spaces, you have to choose another espresso maker that fits your electric space but does not have the capability to brew a double shot of espressos or cappuccinos. This is where some people find it hard to choose an espresso machine. One of these is your experience with espresso-making and the taste size of your friends and family members can actually help make this decision much easier.

  1. Budget:

The price of an espresso machine can vary greatly depending on its size, brand, and capacity. Understandably, a higher price means better quality. However, it doesn’t always mean that the best espresso maker is the one with the highest price tag. You should make sure your money is going to the right place to get a really good espresso maker that will make you happy for many years. Keep in mind that it will last for years and it’s some kind of investment for your family and friends. Find a machine on which you can spend as much as possible to get more value out of it over time. It is also important to note that espresso machines are usually very durable and will last for many years even if operated at high temperatures. Good quality parts are built into these machines to keep them running for an extended period of time.

  1. Water filter:

Most people think they do not need a water filter because they drink the same water that comes out of their tap, but in reality, the tap water has various minerals and chemicals in it which can make your coffee taste bad if you drink it. You need a water filtration system that will remove the impurities from your tap water before you use it. Water filtration systems are usually supplied as an attachment that can be plugged into the waterline of your espresso machine.

  1. Automatic Steam:

The espresso maker should have a steam wand that will help produce coffee’s signature foamy top. This is very important in making real Italian coffee, cappuccinos, and lattes and it takes the fun out of coffee making if the steam is not adjustable. The best espresso maker should also have an auto-shutoff feature that will turn itself off when it reaches a boiling point. If there is no auto shut-off feature on your machine, you might overheat or burn it if you forget to turn it off after use or leave home for a while.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.