How to Choose the Best Janitorial Cleaning Company

How to Choose the Best Janitorial Cleaning Company

Running a business is no walk in the park. Of course, we don’t need to tell you that. As a small business owner, you’re probably juggling dozens of different responsibilities at one time, all the time.

Therefore, it’s totally understandable if you don’t have the time or energy to personally keep your business clean. However, in most cases, it’s not appropriate to ask your staff to do the cleaning either. For example, if you work in an office building, you can’t push the cleaning duties onto your sales team.

No, you need to hire a cleaning company. The question is, how can you find the best cleaning company in your hometown?

We can help you answer that question. Keep reading for everything you need to know when hiring professional cleaning services.

Find Out What Type of Services They Offer

First, you need to search for janitorial services that provide all the cleaning duties you require. For example, if your office is on the second floor of the building, can the cleaning company provide exterior window cleanings? What about steam cleaning the carpets and buffing hard floors?

Before making your choice, assess the list of services offered by the cleaners. If they have everything you need, you can move forward in the assessment process.

Ask About Availability

Most businesses hire cleaning companies for recurring services. Depending on the type of business you operate and how much foot traffic it receives, you might need weekly, bi-weekly, or daily cleanings.

As such, it’s important to ask your potential cleaning company about their availability. How often can they come to your business to conduct their professional cleaning services?

Furthermore, what time will they be there? If you have customers or clients in and out all day, you might prefer a cleaning company that provides after-hours services.

Read Client Reviews

To find the best cleaning company for your business, go online to find reviews left by their other clients. Use Google to search for “cleaning company near me.” Then, follow the link to each website where you should be able to find reviews and testimonials.

Otherwise, you can return to Google and search for reviews using the company’s name. Find out how other business owners feel about the cleaning company in question. Are they happy with the professional cleaning services provided?

Do you see any issues with communication, payments, or scheduling? The right cleaning company for you will be the one that has a glowing reputation in the community.

Compare and Contrast Their Prices

Finally, when looking for professional cleaners, consider your business budget. How much can you afford to spend on recurring cleaning services?

While we never recommend hiring a service simply because they’re cheap, higher costs don’t always translate to better services. Instead, find out what competitive rates for cleaners are in your area. Then, compare and contrast the prices of cleaning companies based on their other qualifications.

Need a Cleaning Company to Help You Keep Your Business Clean?

If you’re in the market for a professional cleaning company, use our guide to help you find the best cleaners for your business. It might be faster to hire the first company you come across. However, it’s important to do your homework and choose the most qualified cleaning service.

For more business tips and advice, don’t go anywhere. Our blog has an entire business section created to help entrepreneurs like you make decisions that will benefit their personal and professional lives. Read through some of our other articles before you go.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.