How to Find Corporate Housing in Philadelphia

How to Find Corporate Housing in Philadelphia

Searching for corporate housing in any city, let alone an unfamiliar one can feel like a daunting task. We’ve got some tips to help you land the perfect spot in Philly, breaking it down into easy steps so you can get the most out of your time there.

Your Work Location

The first step to finding housing is to identify where you’ll be working. Most people try to find a place to stay that’s in close proximity to the job site, thus saving themselves the hassle of a long commute. So, knowing where you’ll be working gives you a greater insight into the area you’ll want to stay.

Job Duration

Another consideration is the length of the job. Those going for a few days are likely to stay in a hotel. However, those there for a longer time frame will benefit from a more traditional form of corporate housing.


Getting around while you’re there is something else to think about. Philadelphia has a good public transportation network. Car rentals, Uber, walking or bike riding are all viable options, depending on where you’re staying and working. Think about which best fits your needs, and plan accordingly.

Rental Requirements

If you’re part of a mobile workforce, securing a short-term rental is your best bet. Before you start searching, you’ll need to think about what you need in the space you’re staying in.

Furnished spaces are great; they’re the most conducive to “normal” life.

In a well-stocked kitchen, you can cook your favorite meals. Make your favorite protein smoothie every morning, and not have to waste time or money eating out all the time.

If you’re a fitness buff, maybe you’ll want a place that’s connected to a gym. If you have friends and family who come visit, you’ll probably want space that can accommodate guests. If you have a beloved pet who will be accompanying you, you’ll need a space that’s pet friendly. Draping a sheet over your German Shepherd and trying to smuggle it in and out of a place that doesn’t allow pets, is only funny the first couple of times.

Having an onsite washer and dryer might be a requirement too. If so, don’t forget to jot that down.

Take a moment to reflect on what you’ll be doing, and all those little things that will make your work – and life –  easier, and add them to your list.

Long-Term & Corporate Housing Options

Airbnb – Airbnb is an option, but can get pretty expensive. Additionally, depending on where you’re staying and for how long, it may be hard to secure a spot that isn’t already pre-booked by someone else on some of the dates you’re there.

Short Term or Corporate Rentals – Seeking short-term housing or corporate rentals through sites like is another way to see what’s available, and is less daunting after you’ve mapped the city out and know which area you’d like to stay.

When sourcing your own corporate housing, you may quickly discover how challenging it is to find something that meets all your needs, and isn’t way over budget.

On-Demand Housing – If you aren’t yet familiar with the term, on-demand housing is a concept pioneered by Travelers Haven. Their model is perfect for those who fall between the cracks, needing a place longer than is comfortable (or affordable) in a hotel.

Their model has been taken advantage of by traveling nurses, construction crews, and disaster management teams – as well as many others who are part of a mobile nomadic workforce. It’s simple and free to use; once they have been told what you’re looking for, they do all the work for you.

Rates booked through Travelers Haven are significantly lower than average corporate housing rates. Additionally, they source locations in less densely populated areas, too. So, if your work isn’t in the heart of downtown Philly, they can still help you secure a comfy home away from home that’s near to where you work.

Here’s a full guide that offers a more in-depth look at corporate housing in Philadelphia.


Relocating to a new place, even on a temporary basis, isn’t always easy. We hope you found this article and some of the resources helpful, and once you’ve settled in and relaxed into your home, you can go out and explore the city.

Sonia Awan