How to make a wig less shiny?

How to make a wig less shiny?

Wigs can be a great way to cover baldness or hair loss, but they can also be extremely shiny and uncomfortable. This article will show you how to make a wig less shiny and easier to wear.


If you want to make a wig less shiny, there are a few things that you can do. First, make sure that the wig is well-structured. Wigs that are too fluffy or too full of hair will tend to reflect light more than wigs that are tailored to your head. Second, use a matte serum or hairspray to help reduce shine. Finally, avoid using harsh chemicals or hair stylers on your wig. These can remove natural oils and damage the hair shaft.

What Causes Shiny Wigs? 

There are many possible causes of a shiny wig. The most common culprits are fibres that have become caught in the weave of the ginger wig or excess oil or sweat on the scalp. If you’re experiencing a particularly shiny wig, it may be helpful to shampoo your hair more often and apply a moisturizing conditioner to the scalp. You can also try using a wig brush to remove excess product build-up or pull loose fibres. Finally, remember that wigs usually look their best when slightly damp, so avoid wearing them in dry climates!

How to Make a Wig Shine Less

There are a few things that you can do to make your wig less shiny. One of the most common techniques is to use a wig cap or headband. This will help to keep the lace front wigs in place and prevent it from becoming greasy or wet. Additionally, you can try using a hair dryer on low heat. This will help to reduce the shine and frizziness of the hair. Finally, you can apply a serum or hairspray with a matte finish. This will help reduce the brilliance and oiliness in the hair.

Tips for Making Wigs Last Longer

One of the most common issues with wigs is that they tend to become shiny and less effective over time. 

Here are a few tips for keeping your wig looking good for longer:

  • Wash and dry your wig regularly.
  • This will keep it from becoming greasy and make removing dirt and dust build-up easier.
    Avoid harsh shampoos, conditioners, or hair products on your wig. 
  • These can damage the hair and make it more prone to becoming shiny.
  • If your wig does begin to become shiny, try using a treatment specifically designed for wigs made of synthetic hair. 
  • These treatments are available at many beauty stores and can help improve the shine and longevity of your wig.


One of the most common complaints about wigs is that they are too shiny. This article will show you how to make a less bright wig and advise keeping it that way. Following instances, it will reduce the brightness of your wig and give it a natural appearance. If you want to add additional glamour to your disguise or outfit, using a less bright wig is an option worth considering.

Sonia Awan