How to Resolve TP-Link Extender Not Picking Signal Issue?

How to Resolve TP-Link Extender Not Picking Signal Issue?

Performing TP-Link extender setup is amazing in almost every way, however, sometimes; issues can arise due to external as well as internal variants. And they can’t just be ignored like that when they are supposed to be dealt with.

One of the most common issues that users face with their TP-Link extender is ‘TP-Link extender not picking signal’. If are also getting bothered by the same issue, then take a chill pill because we can help you get rid of it. Let’s get started.

Why is TP-Link Extender Not Picking Signal?

Mentioned below are some of the topmost reasons why your TP-Link extender is refusing to function properly:

  • While performing TP Link extender setup, you did not place your extender within the range of the router.
  • Your extender is not receiving an adequate and fluctuation-free power supply.
  • The firmware of your device is running on an outdated version.
  • Your TP-Link extender is not properly connected to the host router.
  • The signals of either your extender or router are getting blocked.

Read this post further to learn how to troubleshoot the TP-Link extender not picking signal issue.

TP-Link Extender Not Picking Signal Issue: Ways to Fix

  1. Reboot Your Extender

Try to troubleshoot the problem by rebooting your TP-Link wireless range extender first. Follow the instructions mentioned below and learn how to do the same:

  • Power off your TP-Link extender and unplug it from its wall socket.
  • Wait for some time.
  • Thereafter, plug your TP-Link extender back into its wall socket and turn it on.
  1. Perform TP-Link Firmware Update

As mentioned earlier, an outdated firmware can also lead you to the TP-Link extender not picking signal issue. Therefore, it is recommended that you perform TP-Link firmware update to troubleshoot the issue.

If you are not sure regarding the process, refer to the guidelines given in the user manual.

  1. Verify the Ethernet Connection

Check the Ethernet cable connecting your TP-Link extender and the host router. Is it worn out or damaged? If yes, consider getting it replaced with a new one.

If you want to take the easier route, make use of a wireless source to create a connection between your devices.

  1. Check the Power Supply

The wall socket that you are using should be free of damages at all costs, or else, your TP Link extender won’t get enough power supply.

In case, even after trying to get the wall socket fixed multiple times, it’s not working, consider plugging your device into a different one.

  1. Bring Your WiFi Devices Closer

If you have made the mistake of placing your TP-Link wireless range extender away from your home router, rectify it right now.

To do so, unplug your extender from the wall socket it is currently plugged into and plug it into the one located close to the router.

  1. Avoid Signal Interference

Another thing that you can do to get rid of the TP-Link extender not picking signal issue is to keep WiFi interference at bay.

Make sure that your TP-Link extender and router are not placed anywhere near:

  • Cordless phones
  • Washing machines
  • Baby monitors
  • Refrigerators
  • Microwave ovens
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Mirrors
  • Fish tanks
  • Treadmills
  • Televisions
  • Corners
  • Concrete walls

Additionally, do not place your extender and router near utensils containing a large amount of water.

  1. Reset and Reconfigure

We did not mention this earlier, but an improper setup via the TP-Link app can also stop your extender from performing well. Therefore, you need to reconfigure your TP-Link wireless range extender. But, before you do that, reset your device.

To do so, locate the Reset button on your TP-Link extender, use an oil pin to press it, and wait for some time so that your device can get restored to the factory default mode.

Summing Up

Whether you have performed TP Link AC1200 setup or configured any other extender model at home, the aforementioned troubleshooting hacks will surely help you get rid of the issue you were experiencing.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.