How to Start a Brewery: X Easy Steps

How to Start a Brewery: X Easy Steps

Few things are as rewarding as a beer lover brewing their own batches as a labor of love. However, if you really want to get a reward from it, there’s nothing stopping you from also making it a revenue-earning venture.

The brewery business is healthy right now, as these beverages racked up $120 billion in sales in a recent year. Now’s as good a time as any to turn your love of beer into a business.

If you’ve ever wondered how to open a brewery, we’ve got you covered.

The tips below will help you start a brewery that has the potential to be a smashing success.

  1. Start With a Love and Understanding of Beer

Before anything else, you absolutely have to know and love beer. The last thing you’ll want to do is shortchange your customers, so put the time and effort into acquiring mastery in this art.

Develop your palate and find out what you like about beer, and why. This way, you’ll be able to pass this love onto customers.

  1. Determine Which Specialties You Prefer

There are several different kinds of beer that you’ll be able to offer at your brewery, so start with an understanding of each.

In essence, beer is broken down into ales and lagers, and then there are several specialties that fall under either of these umbrellas. Some examples that you may want to look to include stouts, milk stouts, porters, India Pale Ale (IPA), amber, pilsner, and brown ale.

  1. Try and Fail at Several Small Batches

There’s a lot of trial and error that comes with mastering any recipe. You’ll need to get yours down pat before you start brewing it at scale.

Get to know the botanical extraction process, what type of yeast is best, which temperatures you’ll need to maintain, information about the types of water and filtration to use, and so much more.

  1. Map Out a Business Plan and Carve Out Brewery Space

It’s crucial that you create a business plan for any company that you’re planning to open, and a brewery is no different. The business plan should outline everything you need to open your doors, from equipment to staff.

Take the time to find a place where you can brew and also offer food and other offerings.

  1. Acquire Brewery Equipment and Work Your Marketing Plan

You’ll also need to get your hands on everything that you need for the perfect brew.

Start by finding brewery tanks that are the right size and type, in addition to stocking up on equipment like hoses, water supply, and all of the supplies that you need for individual batches.

Make provisions for operating space and utilities as well.

To open a brewery, you’ll also need to put together a solid marketing plan. Come up with your initial plans for social media, e-mail marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and more.

Start a Brewery That You’ll Be Proud Of

The tips above will assist you if you’ve ever had a dream to start a brewery. With these points in mind, you’re just a few steps away from offering your masterpieces to the public.

Check out our other articles whenever you need words of advice that will take your business and advertising to the next level.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.