Is It Safe to Leave the Key in the Back Door?

Is It Safe to Leave the Key in the Back Door?

You can do many things to keep your house safe, but you need to begin with keeping the keys of your home safe since they provide direct access to your house. Losing the primary keys of your house doesn’t only keep you locked out of your house but also affects the overall security of your house. 

Keys have been acting as the primary access control for many years, and millions of people are still dependent on the same system to keep their houses safe. And when it comes to keeping the key safe, most people prefer the exact location as it is easier to remember. 

In many cases, people prefer keys in the back door but is it safe to keep keys in the back door? Let’s find out through this blog post. 

Is it safe to leave your keys in the back door?

This simple answer to this question is a big NO. It is not safe to keep the primary keys of your house in the back door, and if you have been doing it for a long time, you are lucky enough not to encounter any burglary or theft in your house. 

It is usual for people to lock the door and then keep the keys near the door, like on the hook or in a unique bowl. But criminal-minded people expect you to do this, and they can easily get their hands on the keys through a special technique known as fishing. 

Keeping keys in the back door is a wrong idea, especially if you have glass panels near the door. The thieves can easily break the glass and access the main door by getting their hands on the keys. 

In some cases, the burglars even test the door handle when no one is around. They do this to listen to the sound of keys rattling inside the door. The sound of rattling keys shows that the owner has left the keys in the back door. 

Where to keep the keys?

If the thief finds out the keys are in the back door, they can use fishing, break into the house and steal valuable assets. If it sounds scary to you, then you need to get rid of the habit of keeping the keys in the back door and start keeping them at other safe places. You can also go for UPVC door repair and London Locksmith 24h offers the best services in London.

You can keep the keys anywhere in the room where they can be easily accessible to you, and at the same time, it should be out of the sight of burglars chasing your house for potential targets. 

It is crucial to note that locking your house also affects your home insurance. Many insurance companies have proper steps to be followed while locking up the door; otherwise, you will be exempted from the home insurance policy. 

If you have an outdated lock system, you can go for UPVC door repairs service and update the security system of your house by equipping it with an advanced lock system. Modern-day lock systems aren’t only long-lasting, but they can withstand all the tricks and tools used by burglars to break into your house.

If you have been keeping the keys in the back door, you are not alone as many people are used to the same habit, but if you run out of luck, you will lose your valuable items from the house. So, either go for UPVC door repairs or start looking for safe places for keeping the keys.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.