Organize a Pantry In These 7 Steps

Organize a Pantry In These 7 Steps

The pantry is one of the essential parts of every kitchen. It’s where you keep all your food so that you don’t run out at the worst possible moment. You can easily close the pantry with a sliding door and barn door hardware. This keeps everything out of view of the rest of the kitchen. 

With so many options and items in the world of food, keeping track of what you already have and what you need is a challenge. This is where a well-organized pantry comes in. 

A well-organized pantry makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. It keeps your cupboards and refrigerator organized so that everything is easy to find and use. If you’re looking to get your pantry in shape, here are seven simple steps to help you get started.

1. Measure your space

You don’t want to buy items you don’t need because they take up too much space. If you have a small kitchen, you should consider getting rid of some things. If your pantry is already full, it’s time to get some new things. Before you go shopping, measure the space in your pantry to make sure that you purchase the correct size of items.

2. Buy the right-sized items

It would help if you tried to buy items as big as your cupboards and as tall as your fridge shelves. This will ensure that there is enough room for everything, and it will also make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for when it comes time to use them. It also makes a good impression on guests when they see all their food lined up neatly in the pantry.

3. Get rid of expired stuff

There is nothing worse than going through your pantry and seeing all expired items. Even though you might have kept them hoping that they’d make it to the expiration date, they never did. 

If you have any expired items, then make sure to get rid of them because they’re not useful anymore. The best way to do this is to take them out and let them sit on your counter for one day. After that time, put them in a bag and throw them away. You can also donate these items if you want to help others out and yourself.

4. Decant your products

When you have products that you need to use but that are bottled, then it’s time to decant them. Decanting means that you pour the product out of the bottle and into a separate container. This is because bottles are usually made of plastic, which is not very eco-friendly. If you want to make sure that your food stays fresh, you should decant your products before using them.

5. Keep it organized with labels

If your pantry is already filled with items, you should label everything so that they can be easily found when needed. You can use different types of labels such as stickers, tape, or string to label your items so that they’re easy to find when it’s time for us. 

You can also use a little bit of paint if you want something more stylish than just stickers on the box or a piece of tape on the lid. There are even some cool labels made from recycled materials that you can find online.

6. Keep frequently-used items at eye level

Many people make a mistake by keeping their frequently-used items in the back of the pantry. This is a big mistake because you’re going to forget about these items and then waste time looking for them when you need them. It’s best to keep these items on the top shelf to see them easily when you need to use them.

7. Harness the power of under-shelf baskets

If you have many items in your pantry, you can use under-shelf baskets to organize them. These baskets are usually made out of plastic and are designed to hold smaller items like spices, baking items, and the like. They’re also very inexpensive, so they’ll save you a lot of money while they help you organize your pantry.

There are so many ways that you can make your pantry eco-friendlier. The easiest way to do this is by using the tips from this article. These tips will help you keep your pantry organized and make it easier to find what you need when you need it. If you do these things, your pantry will be much eco-friendlier than before.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.