Reasons To Start Playing Puzzles

Reasons To Start Playing Puzzles

If you are out there looking for fun and engaging games that will keep you glued to your phone for hours, a brain puzzle got you covered. Puzzles are among those classic games that keep on getting popular by the day.

One of the things that are contributing to the popularity of brain puzzles is that, thanks to the development of technology, players can now play puzzles on their phones whenever and wherever. What’s more, these games come in different versions, making it easy to choose the one the player can solve easily and quickly.

There are reasons that many people love to solve puzzles. Solving puzzles has been proven to be good for the brain and it helps put it in good shape. So if you haven’t started solving puzzles, you are missing out on a great opportunity to have a healthy brain. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should start solving puzzles.

1. Puzzles exercise both sides of the brain

As already mentioned, puzzles are good for the brain. The brain has two hemispheres that perform different functions. The right side controls creativity while the left side controls analytical and logical thinking. When solving a brain puzzle, you tend to engage both sides, thus keeping your brain active and putting it in great shape.

2. Solving puzzles helps improve thinking skill

Another incredible reason why you should solve puzzles more often is that it can help boost your thinking skill.  When you’re solving a puzzle, you strengthen the connection between the brain cells and even form new ones. This helps to improve your short-term memory. When solving puzzles, you need to utilize memory to remember numbers, shapes, and pieces and visualize where they fit in. Having sharp memory can help keep at bay conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

3. It helps improve your problem-solving skills

In this day and age, having great problem-solving skills is vital. This crucial skill can help you tackle various issues in your life, whether at school or at work. Fortunately, solving brain puzzles can help you achieve that. That’s because puzzles require you to take various approaches in order to solve them. For instance, you will be able to learn how to work by trial and error, create and test theories, and change tactics if a particular one doesn’t work.

4. Improves mood

While this may come as a surprise, solving a puzzle can actually help improve your mood. When solving a puzzle, your brain tends to increase the production of dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that regulates mood, memory, and even concentration. When solving a puzzle and successfully solves it, you will release dopamine, hence feel so much happy about your success.

5. Solving puzzles improves your intelligent quotient [IQ] score

Finally, if you are looking to improve your problem solving skill, you should start solving brain puzzles. That’s because since these games improve memory, reasoning skills, and concentration, it is evident that they can also boost your problem solving skill.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.