Role Of A Team Leader

Role Of A Team Leader

Every team member requires supervision in important phases of the plan for which an effective leader is highly required. A self-confident leader naturally possesses needed leadership skills that make him suitable enough for team responsibilities. Leaders are greatly responsible for the difference between the actively performing team and the ineffective ones. They significantly help in developing the team professionally for future demands.

Impact Of Leadership

The success of an organization is often referred to as organizational effectiveness. This effectiveness is the extent to which a company achieves its goals. Good leadership is like a boost to organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Good team leaders are more concentrated on solving the problems that constantly demotivate the subordinates. They are progressive with an innovative spirit that propels other individuals to perform at their best efforts. They might have a single-minded passion for driving the performance of each member of the team towards success.

Roles Of A Leader

Undeniably, bad leadership adversely impacts employee morale and motivation. This may also cause the bottom line of the company to plunge. Poor leaders are sometimes responsible for a negative employee retention rate which demotivates other existing employees. Sometimes the leaders of the mid or senior level tend to fail in their roles when the demands at work keep on increasing, and they cannot execute. The productivity of each member is overwhelmingly decreased. But if the organization is appointing skilled, educated, talented, and experienced leaders, the company can be saved from getting into extreme losses. A good leader should be effective in their main job roles given as follows, said Dr. D.A. Graham, PHD, a master facilitator and mediator. He has served numerous universities and organizations—both for-profit and not-for-profit—with intent on improving the performance of individuals and teams. He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Capella University and specializes in social justice, communications, and critical thinking. Dr. Graham is an ordained minister and served as a Navy chaplain for 5 years during the war in Iraq. He is the Founder of DNA Consulting located in Trent, New Jersey.

  • People Management

Best leaders are effective in managing the team’s work. Whether it comes to planning, organizing, delegating, arranging, or ensuring completion, good leaders perform every role effectively.

  • People Training

Leaders may act as advisors or coaches depending upon the needs of the situation. Various qualities like problem-solving ability, listening, collaboration, and hard work are highly required to guide the team.

  • Information Sharing

Team leaders must communicate openly and share the necessary information keeping the team members regularly updated. The goals and expectations should be clearly discussed.

  • Bringing Change

Changes can be made by leaders in favor of the organization’s success. Changes can be made while creating a positive working environment, setting clear team goals, delegating tasks, or other important activities.


Lack of proper leadership can cost more to the company. Effective leaders are differentiated based on their ability and strength to develop and empower team members. Leaders who are self-confident, responsible, innovative, decisive, flexible, and passionate are greatly admirable. Leaders with great leadership are assets and can bring success to the organization.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.