Scamboli Reviews Patreon: A Comprehensive Review

Scamboli Reviews Patreon: A Comprehensive Review

In recent years, Patreon has become a popular platform for creators to connect with their fans and monetize their content. However, with the rise of this platform, there has also been an increase in scams and fraudulent activity. One such example is Scamboli Reviews Patreon, a channel that claims to provide honest reviews of Patreon creators but has been accused of running a scam. In this article, we will take a closer look at Scamboli Reviews Patreon and analyze the allegations against it.

What is Scamboli Reviews Patreon?

Scamboli Reviews Patreon is a YouTube channel that claims to provide honest reviews of Patreon creators. The channel is run by a person who goes by the name of Scamboli, and they have over 20,000 subscribers. The reviews are typically focused on adult content creators, and Scamboli claims to provide an unbiased opinion on the quality of their content.

However, many people have accused Scamboli of running a scam. The allegations are that Scamboli contacts Patreon creators and offers to review their content for a fee. The fee can range from $100 to $500, depending on the level of exposure the creator wants. Once the fee is paid, Scamboli will post a positive review of the creator’s content on their channel, regardless of the actual quality of the content.

The Allegations Against Scamboli Reviews Patreon

The allegations against Scamboli Reviews Patreon are serious and have caused many people to question the legitimacy of the channel. One of the main concerns is that Scamboli is not providing honest reviews but rather taking money in exchange for positive reviews. This is not only unethical but also goes against the very purpose of Patreon, which is to support creators who produce quality content.

Another concern is that Scamboli is targeting adult content creators who may be more vulnerable to scams. These creators often face stigma and discrimination, and the promise of positive reviews may be tempting to them. By taking advantage of these creators, Scamboli is perpetuating a harmful cycle of exploitation.

The Response from Patreon and the Community

The allegations against Scamboli Reviews Patreon have not gone unnoticed by the community, and many people have spoken out against the channel. Patreon has also taken action by removing Scamboli’s account from their platform. In a statement, Patreon said that they do not condone any behavior that goes against their community guidelines and that they take reports of scams and fraud very seriously.

The response from the community has been mixed, with some people defending Scamboli and others condemning their actions. Those who defend Scamboli argue that they are simply providing a service and that it is up to the creators to decide whether or not to pay for a review. However, others argue that this is not a legitimate service and that Scamboli is taking advantage of vulnerable creators.

The Impact on the Patreon Community

The impact of Scamboli Reviews Patreon on the Patreon community is significant. The platform relies on trust between creators and their fans, and scams like this can erode that trust. Creators may be hesitant to use Patreon if they feel that their content is not being judged fairly, and fans may be less likely to support creators if they feel that their money is going towards scams rather than quality content.

Furthermore, scams like this can harm the reputation of adult content creators who are already facing stigma and discrimination. By perpetuating the idea that adult content creators are inherently untrustworthy, Scamboli is contributing to a harmful narrative that can have real-world consequences.


Scamboli Reviews Patreon is a controversial channel that has been accused of running a scam. The allegations against Scamboli are serious and have caused many people to question the legitimacy of the channel. While some people defend Scamboli, arguing that they are simply providing a service, others argue that this is not a legitimate service and that Scamboli is taking advantage of vulnerable creators. The impact of scams like this on the Patreon community is significant, eroding trust between creators and their fans and harming the reputation of adult content creators. It is up to platforms like Patreon to take action against scams and fraud to ensure that creators and fans can continue to trust in their services.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.