Things You Should Know About Voting in an American Election

Things You Should Know About Voting in an American Election

One of the benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen is the ability to vote in local, state, and national elections. As a representative democracy, the U.S. allows legal Americans to vote for the people who will represent them and the issues that are important to them. Understanding the right to vote and exercising that right is important for Asian Americans in Los Angeles and across the country. Here is some information about voting in an American election.

Who Is Eligible to Vote?

Originally, only white male property owners could vote in U.S. elections. However, the laws have changed since the founding of the nation. Currently, people have the right to vote in local, state, and national elections as long as they are 18 or older, are registered to vote, and are U.S. citizens. Lawful permanent residents and non-residents do not have the right to vote in elections and can face potential criminal liability if they do. Each state also has its own requirements that might vary from state to state.

In California, people are eligible to vote if they are 18 or older, registered to vote in California, U.S. citizens and residents of California, are not currently serving prison or jail sentences for felony convictions, and have not been deemed to be mentally incompetent by a court. People can pre-register to vote when they reach the age of 16 or 17 and will then be automatically registered upon turning age 18 as long as they meet the other eligibility requirements.

How to Register to Vote

The registration process also varies from state to state. In California, there are several ways that people can register to vote. In 2018, the California Legislature passed AB 1407, the state’s motor voter law. This law was subsequently signed into law by former Gov. Jerry Brown. Under this law, people can choose to register to vote at the time they get their driver’s licenses. If they opt to do so, the Department of Motor Vehicles will electronically transmit information to the state so that they can be registered to vote.

People can also complete voter registration applications online through the California Secretary of State’s website. Application forms are available in multiple languages. Finally, eligible citizens can register to vote in California by submitting paper applications. Paper applications can be requested by phone at (800) 345-8683.

What Is the Registration Deadline?

To vote in an election, the deadline for registering is 15 days before the election is scheduled to be held. However, people can conditionally register to vote in county elections with same-day voter registration at their polling sites, the county election office, or voting centers. This rule is meant to provide a safety net for people who miss the deadline for registering to vote before an election.

Why Is it Important to Vote?
The right to vote is a right that many people overlook. However, voting is important for U.S. citizens. Article I of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress is elected by popular vote, and the U.S. President is elected by the Electoral College. However, the Constitution did not expressly state who had the right to vote. Initially, only landowning white males were allowed to vote. The fight to expand this right to include the poor, women, and minorities was hard-fought and protracted. Despite this, many citizens who are registered to vote to fail to exercise this important right.

Some people think that their vote doesn’t matter because of the millions of votes that are cast in elections. However, each vote matters. For example, the 2000 presidential election of former President George W. Bush was decided by just 537 votes in Florida. Some state and local elections are decided by even slimmer margins. More recently, U.S. Representative Marianne Miller-Meeks was elected by a margin of only six votes in Iowa in the Nov. 2020 election. Exercising the right to vote allows people to make their voices heard about the issues that are most important to them.

Contact Us to Learn More

People who would like to learn more about voting in a U.S. election or who need help with the process can contact Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles – Legal Americans. We can provide help with understanding the issues, submitting voter registration applications, and more. Contact us today to learn more about your rights.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.