This Is What to Do About a Cracked iPhone Screen

This Is What to Do About a Cracked iPhone Screen

Did you know that the average person drops their smartphone about four times each and every week?

After hearing this, you shouldn’t be too surprised if you have a cracked iPhone screen on your hands. You might actually be shocked that it has taken this long for you to break your iPhone screen.

The good news, though, is that it shouldn’t be too challenging to fix iPhone screen damage. Since a cracked screen is one of the most common iPhone problems, it’s never been easier to get iPhone screen repair done.

You just need to make sure that you take the right approach to repairing an iPhone when your screen cracks on you. Check out the steps that you should take when you first realize that you have a cracked iPhone screen below.

Assess Your iPhone Screen Damage

Right after you drop your iPhone and crack the screen, the very first thing you should do is take some time to assess the damage. You should try to gauge how badly your iPhone screen was cracked when you dropped it.

With any luck, the crack in your iPhone screen will be on the smaller side. It might even be so small that you can continue to use your iPhone without worrying about getting it fixed.

But if your cracked iPhone screen prevents you from being able to see most of the screen, that will be a much different story. You’ll have no choice but to have your iPhone screen repaired so that you can start using your phone like normal again.

See If Your Insurance Policy Covers the Cost of Repairing an iPhone Screen

Did you happen to purchase an insurance policy for your iPhone? A lot of people have started to take out these policies, especially when you consider that some iPhones cost over $1,000 these days.

If you have one, you should take a close look at it to see if it covers the cost of repairing an iPhone screen with a crack in it. If it does, you might not have to be concerned about shelling out money to pay for iPhone screen repairs yourself.

All you’ll need to do is contact your insurance company and let them know that you would like to get your iPhone screen repaired. They’ll be able to take over from there and arrange for you to bring your phone somewhere so that it can be fixed.

Look For an iPhone Screen Repair Company

If you don’t have an insurance policy for your iPhone or if your insurance policy doesn’t cover the cost of a cracked iPhone screen, you’re going to be on your own as far as fixing your iPhone. Fortunately, it still shouldn’t be all that difficult to get it done.

There are iPhone screen repair companies that have popped up all over the place in recent years. You can take your iPhone to them and have the screen on it fixed in no time.

To find a great iPhone screen repair company in your area, the only thing you should have to do is Google “iPhone repair shop near me.” That should bring up at least a few fantastic options that you’ll be able to trust.

Just be sure that you select a company that has a lot of experience working on all the different iPhones that have been released. They should also have affordable prices on their iPhone screen repair services so that you don’t have to break the bank to bring your smartphone back to life.

Arrange to Have Your Cracked iPhone Screen Fixed

Once you’re able to locate an iPhone screen repair company that you love, you should give them a call and tell them about your situation. They should be able to make you an appointment so that you can have your phone repaired ASAP.

You can bring your phone to their location to have it worked on right in their shop. More often than not, you can sit and wait while they fix it and then get your phone back from them within just minutes so that you don’t have to live without it for long.

Take Steps to Prevent Further iPhone Issues With Your Screen

After you’re finished fixing your cracked iPhone screen, the last thing that you’ll want to do is have to do it all over again in the not-too-distant future. For this reason, you should take the necessary steps to stop your iPhone screen from cracking for a second time.

There are lots of different ways in which you can work to keep your iPhone screen intact. Here are just some of the suggestions that we have for you:

  • Place a screen protector on your iPhone from the second that you start using it
  • Put a heavy-duty case on your iPhone and leave it on at all times
  • Avoid using your iPhone in situations that might increase the chances of you dropping it
  • Invest in a wrist strap for your iPhone so that you won’t ever let it fall to the ground

As you’ve seen here, it’s simple enough to repair a cracked iPhone screen in this day and age. But that doesn’t mean that you’re going to want to have to do it all the time. You can keep your iPhone screen safe by putting these tips to the test.

Schedule iPhone Screen Repair Today

Having a cracked iPhone screen is going to prevent you from being able to take full advantage of your iPhone. You won’t be able to push it to the limit when you can’t see half the things that are happening on its screen.

It’s why you should set out to fix a cracked iPhone screen as soon as you can. You’ll be able to get back to using your iPhone in the way that it’s supposed to be used.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.