Top 5 Reasons To Use a Natural Disinfectant Spray

Top 5 Reasons To Use a Natural Disinfectant Spray

When you need to clean your home, what type of product do you reach for first? If you’re reaching for standard store-bought sprays, you might be setting yourself up for health issues. And you could be doing more harm to the environment than intended.

Read on to learn about the top 5 reasons to use a natural disinfectant spray!

  1. Natural Disinfectant May Be Less Corrosive

While a lot of commercial products promise pristine surfaces after use, they do so at a cost. Harsh chemicals can wear down the materials in your countertops or grout.

Acidic chemicals or lemon-scented products may etch the surfaces of granite countertops, for instance. Other tough cleaners can be caustic and wear down drains. And any cleaners containing bleach may lighten surfaces.

When mixing cleaners at home, use a much higher proportion of water to dilute vinegar or alcohol. And even though a natural disinfectant cleaner will be safer on surfaces, test it in a small area first.

  1. Make an Eco-Friendly Choice

For an environmentally-friendly choice, all natural disinfectant is the way to go. If you don’t want to use a homemade spray, take a more critical look at the cleaners at your nearest store.

Look for ones that have an endorsement from the Environmental Protection Agency. Or look for other reputable environmental groups.

And many cleaners contain a mind-boggling number of chemicals. Turn to Nano Clean for a cleaning solution that won’t damage the environment.

  1. Natural Disinfectant Spray Is Safer

Because natural disinfectant is made up of natural ingredients, it’s a safe choice. Most cleaners often contain bleach, ammonia, and other harsh chemicals.

Many commercial cleaning products contain harmful VOCs, otherwise known as volatile organic compounds. If you spray these products onto surfaces in an area that is not ventilated well, you run the risk of ingesting them. This can trigger respiratory issues, headaches, and other health problems.

  1. Avoid Skin Irritation

Sometimes chemicals found in commercial cleaning products can be abrasive to your skin. These cleaners may contain dyes, ammonia, bleach, and other chemicals.

The irritation doesn’t just apply to your skin, either. If you have asthma or pesky allergies, you could be coughing or sneezing when commercial cleaning droplets are in the air.

  1. Save Money with Cleaning Supplies

One of the big benefits of a natural disinfectant cleaner is that you have the potential to save a lot of money. Rather than buying commercial products and replacing them every few shopping trips, you can make your own cleaners at home. And you might already have the necessary ingredients in your pantry.

A blend of warm water with a little vinegar is a simple way to create a cleaner. Put it in a bottle with a nozzle, and you have an all-natural disinfectant spray! The acidic nature of vinegar makes it an ideal choice to keep your kitchen cleaner.

Find the Right Natural Disinfectant Cleaner

Using natural disinfectant spray ensures that you’ll get a cleaner surface while avoiding abrasive or harmful substances. You can save money by whipping up your own cleaning solution using simple ingredients from your pantry. And you can choose your own scent by adding essential oils or soap!

For more cleaning tips, check back for new articles.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.