Web Copywriting 101: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Web Copywriting 101: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Did you know that 72% of marketers report that content marketing increases customer engagement?

Effective web copy can help build trust with your audience, position your brand as an industry leader, and increase your rankings in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Hence, if your website is lacking in the content department, you’re leaving loads of potential growth on the table!

Today we’re going to dive deeper into what web copyrighting is and the top five secrets that’ll take your web copywriting to the next level!

What Is Web Copywriting?

Web copywriting is the process of creating content for the web. Examples of different types of web copywriting include:

  • Blog posts
  • Product pages
  • Landing pages
  • Ad copy
  • Social media posts

When you do a Google search for “Buy Sneakers in New York”, the content you find was written by a copywriter. The same applies to informational posts, product pages, and every other piece of content you find on the internet.

Importance of Web Copy

Web copy serves numerous purposes that can benefit your business. It can help you create lead funnels, sell products, attain new clients, and provide relevant information to your audience.

Great web copy can help you build a connection with your website visitors and establish your business as an authority in your industry. Creating content shouldn’t be viewed as a cost – but a long-term investment that’ll benefit your business for years.

5 Critical Tips for Writing Copy That Sells

Many businesses believe that posting lots of content should be their number one priority. However, when it comes to web copy, quality matters over quantity. Here are five critical copywriting tips that’ll have you standing atop competitors.

Create a Killer Headline

All amazing web copy starts with a killer headline. The headline is the first thing users see when they come across your post. Therefore, you want to make it as catchy as possible.

You should keep your headline straightforward and simple. Try to appeal to your readers’ emotions by making your headline relatable.

Keep Things Simple

People have short attention spans – especially when it comes to reading content online. A great way to counter this problem is by creating easy-to-read content.

Some of the best tips for writing copy that is easy to read include:

  • Use short sentences (1-3 sentences max)
  • Make use of bullet points
  • Ensure your text is optimized for mobile
  • Make use of subheadings (H2, H3, H4, etc.)
  • Use images that complement your message

You should also avoid using “fluff”. Fluff is adding more information than what is necessary. If a sentence doesn’t serve value to the reader, remove it.

Give Your Copy a Personality

When it comes to creating good web copy, it’s important to create an appropriate voice for your audience. This should be in tune with your brand and buyer persona.

If your audience is young, college-aged adults, communicate to them in their language. This ties in with the importance of relatability, as discussed earlier.

Branding also plays a critical factor when creating web copy. A medical or law-related business will likely use a serious, more professional voice. On the other hand, an energy drink company will likely use a loud and fun voice – since that’s what their brand represents.

Come up With an Irresistible Call to Action

Your content has a direct impact on where your users end up. Ideally, you want a user to take action when they enter your website. Thus, you need to create a powerful Call to Action (CTA).

Whether you want to lead the user to sign up for your newsletter – or purchase one of your products, here are the top tips when it comes to creating the perfect CTA:

  • Provide a solution to a specific problem
  • Use persuasive language that appeals to the emotions
  • Keep your CTA straightforward and clear
  • Make it unique and personal

A CTA can be the difference between a returning customer and one that leaves and never comes back. Hence, creating a strong CTA is critical to your website’s content marketing strategy.

Let the Professionals Handle the Dirty Work

Creating good content can be challenging – especially when you’re focused on other aspects of your business. Therefore, hiring a copywriter may be a great option for those with the budget.

The benefits of hiring a copywriter are endless. Some of the most notable perks include:

  • It’ll save you the headache of having to write content yourself
  • You’ll receive high-quality work, free of any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
  • Your content will be search engine optimized – giving you the best possible chance of ranking in the SERPs

Because of the demand, there’s plenty of freelancers that can handle the job. You can find them on websites such as Fiverr, Legiit, and Upwork. It’s important to check the reviews of each Freelancer to ensure you’ll receive the best quality work.

Alternatively, you can hire a full-service digital marketing agency to handle your website’s content. Some of the best marketing agencies include The HOTH, Launch Digital Website Design, and Thrive.

Take Your Web Copy to The Next Level

Good copywriting is one of the key factors in succeeding in today’s digital market. It offers numerous benefits, such as helping you sell products, establish your brand, and build trust with your audience.

However, it’s important to keep in mind five valuable tips when approaching web copywriting. These tips include creating a killer headline, keeping your web copy simple and straightforward, giving your web copy a personality, and coming up with an irresistible CTA!

We hope you found value in these tips! If so, you’ll definitely benefit from our other topics related to growing your business. Be sure to give them a look!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com