What Causes a Burning Taste When You Vape

What Causes a Burning Taste When You Vape

The world of vaping is quite an exciting one, and if you’re a new vaper, you may have realised that there are so many fun discoveries to make every day. Perhaps you may have already experienced a burnt taste vape when you are vaping and wondered what could have caused it. In this blog post, we explore what causes a burnt taste while vaping and how to fix it.

What causes a burning taste when vaping?

The burnt taste from your vape, is a nasty sensation that you experience when you inhale a puff of your vape, only to receive a lungful of unpleasant burnt-tasting vapour/ This can be caused by several things including:

Problems with your coil

Some issues with your coil can lead to a burnt taste, including:

  • Your coils are not well primed: This happens when you get a new coil and you do not wait for it to become saturated. You should wait several minutes before you start using it. You make sure the wick is fully saturated with e-liquid before you start vaping, otherwise, a dry cotton wick will burn and hence the burnt taste while vaping.
  • Your coil is worn out or dirty– After using your coil for some time, it can become worn out or accumulate too much residue from e-juice and these issues can lead to a burnt taste when you vape.

Incorrect power or wattage settings

If you do use the correct wattage or power setting as you vape and vape at too high wattages, the coil may overheat and result in the vape burning taste.

Low levels of e-liquid

Another possible cause of the vape burning taste is having low e-juice levels in your pod or tank. This means the wick cannot get properly saturated, making it produce a burnt taste or a dry hit. You can visit this site to buy e-liquid and other vaping supplies and to learn about the causes of the burnt taste of your vape and how to avoid it.

Chain Vaping

You are likely to experience a vape burning taste if you vape continuously. Due to chain vaping, the coil does not have enough time to get saturated well with liquid so it generates a burning taste.

Tips on how to fix burnt coil vape

Now that you know what causes the vape burning taste, you also need to know how to deal with it so you enjoy your vaping with a pleasant flavour. Here are some tips that can help:

Replacing and cleaning the wick regularly

To avoid using a worn-out wick you should replace it as frequently per the manufacturers’ recommendations. And where possible, you need to clean your wick to get rid of the accumulated residues.

Fill your e-liquid to the right level

You need to keep the levels of e-juice in your devices’ tank regularly filled up and never let it go completely dry as you vape.

Allow time between puffs

If you like chain vaping, you need to work out a reasonable time allowance between your puffs to ensure your coil gets re-saturated to avoid the burnt vape taste.

Have the correct power/wattage settings

You can avoid a vape burning taste if you observe the manufacturer’s recommended wattage or power range as you vape. If you vape using a variable wattage device, you should start at a lower wattage and increase slowly up to where you get the best balance.


While vaping can be exciting, a vape-burning taste can be an unpleasant sensation. However, you can avoid it by avoiding issues with your coil by cleaning and replacing it regularly, and using our other tips. It’s also crucial to use only quality supplies from reputable suppliers to enjoy the best experience.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com